Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Today’s expression and dialog: 

under my belt   

I’m a beginner, but can I join DDM?

Well, once you get my Daily Dictation videos under your belt, then you can join.

How much are those lessons?

How much? They’re free!


The MORE you do something, the better you can become. As long as you have someone guiding you. If you repeat something WRONG...you will always be wrong!! Make sure, no matter WHAT you are doing, that you always have someone who can give you GOOD feedback. Someone that can help you. Someone that can coach you^^ And the only people that can do that, are people WITH EXPERIENCE. Today I will teach you a great daily English expression that means "having experience". I want you to use it!!
Have a super Saturday,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 553_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:54am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

lay it on me 

Do you have time now?

Oh, right. Your new idea. Lay it on me.

Well, I think you should make a better website.

Ugh! I know! It’s urgent~~


Sometimes you are NOT ready to listen to someone. You want to, but you are too busy. That person might be your wife/husband, child, employee, boss, teacher, friend...it could be anyone. BUT YOU ARE BUSY!!! The only thing you can really say is, "Please, not right now." However, eventually you are ready to listen...and then you can use today's expression!! After my trip to Chicago, for about two weeks I was super busy trying to catch up with work, but now...I AM READY. And I am using today's expression!

Have a SUPER Thursday,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 552_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:02am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

sound asleep

Where were you last night?

I went to bed early. I was tired~

I called you three times!

Sorry~ I was sound asleep!


How about you? When I go to bed at night...NOTHING can wake me up. My cats could be CRYING, FIGHTING, RACING, JUMPING ON ME...there could be a violent storm outside...the neighbors could be arguing...NOTHING. I am a "professional" sleeper! And today I will teach you the perfect word to use in that situation! Are you a pro like me?!

Have a super day and tonight...sleep good^^
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 551_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:13am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

lean on me 

I’m so nervous. Moving to another country.

Well, lean on me. I’m there for you.

I really appreciate it.

Hey, that’s what friends are for^^


FINALLY! The E-Cubed podcast is back after a few week hiatus! Why was I gone? Simply, I was OVERWHELMED with work. But, I got caught up and now I'm ready to go at it again...
Bad news...
In two weeks, I will be moving. That means I will AGAIN probably fall behind. BUT...by sometime in February, I should be settled and I will be bringing something REALLY special to you all! I'm really excited!

Enjoy today's podcast & HAPPY 2015,
I will see you again tomorrow!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 550_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:28am EST

Your wish is my command^^

Coach Shane, can you do something special for us for Christmas?

How about a story about St. Nick?

Who’s that?

That’s another name for Santa Claus!

Yeah! That’d be perfect~

Your wish is my command^^

Direct download: 549.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:00am EST

# to go

Christmas is almost here!

Two days to go!

Will Santa be visiting?

I hope so! I was perfect ALL year!

Direct download: 548.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 10:19am EST

holiday cheer

Shane, belt out some holiday cheer!

I’m not in the mood.

Come on, Scrooge!

Bah humbug!

Direct download: 547.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 10:15am EST

Bah! Humbug!

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

Bah! Humbug!

Oh, come on! Santa won’t like that!

Bah! HUMBUG! There is no Santa.

Direct download: 546.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 10:13am EST

I'm currently in CHICAGO looking for a new home, but I still want to give you guys some English to master!!


the holiday season

Are you doing anything this holiday season?

Visiting grandma! You?

Same with us!

Have a happy holidays!

Direct download: 545.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:06pm EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to belt out a song

You can really belt out a tune!

Come on~ Everyone can sing Jingle Bells!

Yeah, but you were really jazzy!

Well, thanks!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 544.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

Yes, siree, Bob!

I’d like to upgrade my internet speed to Ultra.

No problem.

Can you come out with the new modem tomorrow?

Yes, siree, Bob!


It's FRIDAY! So, let's learn a fun English expression. A funny way to say "Yes!" Okay?
Have a super Friday,
Have a great weekend,
Your English coach,


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 543_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:53am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:


You’re pretty buff.

Yeah? I’ve been working out a bit.

Great! Any reason?

Not really. I just like the exercise.


For the US, most of us are in the "holiday season". We have Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. We have SO MUCH GREAT FOOD!!! So, getting fat is a problem. But...if someone is NOT getting fact...in fact, if someone is getting "muscular", what can we say? I'll tell you in Today's Expression^^
Have a SUPER December 10th!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 542_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:33am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:

a knee-jerk reaction/response

What do you think of the riots?

Well, my knee-jerk reaction is to support the people.


But, after I thought about it, violence with violence never solves anything.


Nowadays we get information SO fast...we need to be careful. On my iPhone, I receive "Earthquake Alerts". The other day there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Tajikstan and I immediately started wondering if people were okay. I was quite worried. I went online and searched for information...but fortunately, I couldn't find any "bad news". I was relieved. But...I "wasted" 20 minutes of time...TOO MUCH INFORMATION. When I heard the "bad news", my automatic response was to "find more information". And...would that information help me really? Well, there is SO MUCH information available nowadays, we need to really be careful! Check out today's expression! More information!!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 541_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:29am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 


You look tired.

I’m totally drained.

What happened?

Eh~ Some people expect too much.


Although I LOVE this season...with all the holidays and the relatives and the delicious food...I am getting SO, SO, SO, SO tired!! So "Today's Expression" is perfect for me!! I hope you are enjoying the LAST month of 2015! Make it a wonderful month and I pray that 2016 will be an even BETTER year.

Have a super weekend,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 540_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:16am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

Where’s Shane going in a huff?

He’s mad again.

What’d you do?       

I told him his jokes weren’t funny.


When people say things about me that I don't like to hear, I TODAY'S EXPRESSION. It's a very childish thing to do, but it happens!!
NO! Of course I don't. I'm an adult. I'm a man. I am very open to hearing criticism about how I look, how I sound, what I think. But about my teaching style or about my cooking...well...I'm not so open!! I take GREAT PRIDE in my teaching and cooking...be nice to me!! Or...I'll TODAY'S EXPRESSION!
Have a super day^^
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 539_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:52am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to eyeball something 

How many boxes are you going to need?

I have no idea.

Just eyeball your stuff and guess.

Um…twelve, maybe.


Are you good at guessing? If you look at someone, can you guess accurately how tall they are or how much they weigh? I'm NOT good at that. It's a skill. If I am lucky, in January, I will move. If I move, I will need to buy boxes for my clothes and books. HOW will I know how many boxes to buy? I will have to guess...I'm worried I will guess WRONG!! I will buy too few and then I will buy too many!!! Today's podcast will tell you the amazing VERB you need to know when you GUESS about the size or amount or number of something!!
Have a great day!
Coach Shane



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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 538_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:05am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

lemming, sheep, sheeple

Dude, your phone is so old.

It still works.       

And when’s the last time you bought clothes?

I don’t need any.

Come on!

Hey, I’m not a lemming! I do things my own way.


Are you a leader? Are you a follower?
A combination is probably best. I don't consider myself a leader, but I guess that what a coach is--he leads his team. You are a part of my team. I want to lead YOU to victory! And when it comes to teaching, I'm not really a follower... I have my own style and I don't know of any other teachers who teach like me. I know that my Listening and Speaking classes are COMPLETELY unique...so, I hope, that's a good thing! I like NOT being a follower...but sometimes it makes me "lonely". Today's podcast is about NOT being a follower. You don't have to be a leader, but you don't have to be a follower, either!
Have a SUPER day,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 537_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:41am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:

get into a groove

Did you ride this morning?

No, I got up late.

Come on! You need to exercise.

I know. I need to get into a groove.


Happy Thanksgiving!!
To MASTER something you need today's expression! Really--no joke. Check it out!! I hope you have a very nice day today. It's Thanksgiving in the US. I am VERY thankful to have you has my listener.
Thank you SO much,
Your English coach,



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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 536_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:44am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 


Are you watching C-Span?


Those guys are so long-winded. How can you watch?

It helps me fall asleep!


Sometimes when I make my podcasts, I talk too much, right? I'm sorry!! In that case, you need to use today's expression to me! But be nice about it^^
Have a great day,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 535_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:59am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to chime in

I completely disagreed with John.


Yes! He was totally wrong.

Why didn’t you chime in?


Do you think your opinion is important? I hope you do! Do you freely tell your opinion to other people? Sometimes that is good, but sometimes it's not! To know WHEN to "tell other people" your opinion is really difficult. I don't know the answer. Sometimes I am happy that I spoke, sometimes I regret it. I can say this, NOT having spoke has caused me MORE problems than having spoke. Today's expression is about SPEAKING.
Have a super weekend!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 534_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:  

to patch things up

Come to the game with us!

You and Sue are back together?

Yeah! We patched things up.

That’s great! We’ll join you!


Many people say that THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in life...relationships. What do you think? Do you agree? I thought chocolate was the most important thing! Money? English??!! You know...maybe relationships are the most important thing... How are your relationships? If you can think of a relationship that MIGHT need a little more work (to make it better), than today's podcast will be perfect!
Have a VERY HAPPY day!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 533_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:34am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:

for starters…

My English isn’t improving.

How are you studying?       

Books. Sometimes movies.

Well, for starters, you should be watching E-cubed every day!


Today's English Expression is VERY useful when you:
1. Give advice
2. Teach
3. Order food (or anything!)
4. Start something new
It's a really short phrase that you can use today!! I would LOVE to see your example--leave me a message!
Have a super day,
Coach Shane



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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 532_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:48am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:


let it slide

I’m surprised to see you here.


Your mom was SO mad at you the other day.

Oh, she always lets me slide! I’m her angel^^


A lot of ESL learners (English as a Second Language) start learning English by studying vocabulary and grammar. That's "modern Education"!! Some students do well, but most hate it! As an English teacher for almost THIRTY years (wow!!!), I have found this to be a problem. That's why I decided to teach "real English". English that "doesn't follow the rules". Pronunciation that doesn't "follow the rules". Following the rules is REALLY important, but when learning a foreign language, you discover native speakers are ALWAYS breaking the rules! For grammar lovers, you have to learn TODAY'S EXPRESSION!

Have a super day,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 531_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:15am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

in a pinch

Problem. We don’t have buttermilk.

You got milk and lemon juice, right?


Well, in a pinch, that’ll do.


I try to NOT eat food from restaurants and coffee shops, but sometimes, when I'm REALLY hungry and I don't feel like cooking or making coffee, if it is REALLY urgent...I can definitely eat at a restaurant or buy coffee from someplace like Starbucks!
In some situations, when you NEED to do something URGENTLY, you can't always "choose" the best option. You might have to choose "the second best" or even something worse. In these situations, we have a super expression! I'll teach you that today!
Have a super week,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 530_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:33am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

short and sweet

Oh, you’re finished with the book?

Yep. You wanna read it?

Maybe. How was it?

Short and sweet. You’ll like it.


Are my podcasts LONG and BORING? I hope not!!! Do you like LONG and BORING speeches? Of course not! What about LONG and BORING books? Movies? Almost everyone does NOT like LONG and BORING!!
So...what's the opposite? You'll learn today. You might be surprised!
Have a very nice weekend,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 529_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:13am EST

My heart goes out to all the victims in Paris.


To all the victims of SENSELESS violence. I can't make it stop around the world, but I will always do my best to make it stop around me. Starting with me.


Please have a thankful weekend with the people who mean something to you.

Direct download: 882a_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 12:36am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 


Where are you going?

I’m gonna go play golf.

Golf is so mental.          

No, it’s not. But it is a very mental game.


Happy Friday!! TGIF!! Today I will teach you a word that, in daily English, has two VERY different meanings!! It's a great word to learn...and I recommend you use the FIRST meaning!! You don't want to sound...unintelligent, right?!
Have a super weekend! If you are thinking about joining DDM, this is a great time to join DDM LIVE because we are starting a new program on MONDAY!! Visit our webpage for all the information on DDM LIVE!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 528_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:06am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to be gifted

What are you gifted at?


No, serious. Tell me!

Hmm… I guess I’m a very good explainer!


Some people have an AMAZING talent. Michelangelo was blessed as a sculptor, Stephen Hawking has been blessed with an amazing mind, Usain Bolt has been blessed with the fastest legs among men! If you believe in God, then you might say that God has blessed them. If you do not believe in God, you might say that the genes they received from their parents were perfectly aligned!
Well, we all have some special, natural talent that is particularly good for us. Have you found yours? If not, keep looking. I guarantee there is SOMETHING that you have...but we all must cultivate it and use it for good! I'll tell you mine in TODAY'S EXPRESSION!
Have a great day,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 527_ecubed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to pick it up

Coach Shane speaks too slow.

You think so?       

Yes. I wish he’d pick it up!

Leave him a message.


I missed you!! It has been a few days since I uploaded a podcast--sorry! But I'm ready to go again!! Today we will learn a very good PHRASAL VERB that you can use when things are moving TOO SLOWLY! Remember, when telling someone "to do something", you should ALWAYS be nice--you do not want to sound rude. The same rule should be used with today's phrasal verb!
Enjoy the podcast and VISIT our webpage! Let's Master English DOT com!!!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 526_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:01am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to kick off

When’s the season kick off?


Is there another season?

Back in September~


How do you TODAY'S EXPRESSION your day?
How will you TODAY'S EXPRESSION your week?
When does your favorite team TODAY'S EXPRESSION their season?

The expression today means "start" or "begin", but we will learn a SUPER useful phrasal verb, okay?!
Have a great Sunday,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 525_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:51am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

thrift shop

New shirt?


Thrift shop?

How’d you know?

Just a guess.


Do you spend a lot of money on clothes? Not me! If I have to buy my clothes, I buy inexpensive stuff. But, usually, my mom or my friends buy shirts and stuff for me, so I look okay in my videos!! I just need to IRON my clothes!!
The only way I would buy "designer" clothes is at TODAY'S EXPRESSION. Have you ever bought anything at TODAY'S EXPRESSION?
Let us know^^
Have a super weekend,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 524_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:32am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

cut through the clutter

What’s this?

That’s my resume.

It’s pink. A pink resume?

Yes! I gotta cut through the clutter.


There is a lot of competition in the world. People compete for getting into good schools, they compete for grades, they compete for getting good jobs, they compete for higher salaries, they compete for good wives and husbands, they compete for time...LIFE is non-stop competition. And it probably always has been that way, but it seems really bad these days, doesn't it?! Well, how do we survive in this competitive world? The answer is in TODAY'S EXPRESSION. We need to sit down, think about WHAT we are competing in and who we are competing against, then we need to TODAY'S EXPRESSION!
It's not easy, but if you go step by step, you can win!
Have a great day,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 523_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:35am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

a dead giveaway  

So, did you like the chocolate cake?

Huh? Oh…how’d you know I ate some?

Well, the chocolate all over your teeth was a dead giveaway.



I remember when I was a little boy, I had a great dog named Copper. She was a collie--a beautiful dog. Her and I went everywhere together. Fishing, swimming, biking, walking. She was my best friend. But one day when I got home after school, I knew something was wrong. My dog ALWAYS came to say "Hi!" to me, but she wasn't there that day. And when I saw my mom, I KNEW something was wrong. She was looking very worried. She didn't have to tell me; Copper was missing. After about an hour, the phone rang. I was outside but I looked in as my mom answered the phone--I KNEW everything would be okay. Her smile on the phone told me. And yes! An hour later, Copper was home! Today, learn a GREAT expression that's perfect for this story^^
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 522_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:03am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

a no-brainer

My English is good, but I can’t hear what native English speakers say!

Yes. That’s why I joined DDM. It was a no-brainer.

Has it helped?

Are you joking?! I’ve improved SO much!


Some decisions in life are REALLY easy:
Shane, would you like to have some chocolate?
Shane, would you like to have some carrot cake?
Shane, would you like to have another kitten?
Shane, would you like to upgrade your camera?
Shane, would you like to go to a Def Leppard concert?
(I hope you agree...at least I hope you are smiling!) If someone were to ask me those questions, my answer would be automatic. I would NOT need to use my brain. Those questions...actually, the ANSWER to those questions are TODAY'S EXPRESSION!
Give me your examples and have a SUPER week!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 521_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:48am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 


You’re throwing away all those clothes?

Yeah. They’re hand-me-downs.

Let me see them. I’ll take some of these!

Help yourself. They were my uncle’s.


As most of you know, I am an American football fan. I love the Green Bay Packers! And when I was young, one of my FAVORITE shirts was a Green Bay Packers shirt! In fact, if you visit my website and click on ABOUT COACH SHANE you will see a picture there of me in that shirt! Many years ago!! Anyway, that shirt was a "used" shirt. It used to belong to my Uncle John...or was it Uncle Jim? I'm not sure! However, when we talk about USED CLOTHES in English--especially used by a different family member, we do NOT say USED CLOTHES! We have another expression and that's what you will learn today!
Have a SUPER weekend,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 520_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:46am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:

air quotes

Shane is SO funny~

What? No he’s not.

You weren’t watching. I was doing this ~~~

Oh! Air quotes!

Humor around the world is different in each culture. In the US, we love "self-deprecating humor"--jokes that make ourselves look silly or fat or lazy or dumb! Strange, huh? British people LOVE sarcasm. Some people love slapstick humor--visual humor with lots of physical fun!
Well, in the US, we also like sarcasm and sarcasm is one of the toughest types of humor for ESL students. We say something like "Nice haircut" but the meaning is "What a terrible haircut!" How do you know? Intonation...OR, in the US, we often use TODAY'S EXPRESSION. Learn it and learn to laugh at more American humor!
Have a super Thursday,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 519_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

a longshot (also “long shot” AND long-shot)

Do you think Shane will become a Hollywood movie star?

It’s a longshot!

Really? I think he’s SO talented.

Yeah, but he’s bald! And old!


Did you ever play basketball? If you have, which is easier:
A. Making a basket from 2 meters
B. Making a basket from 4 meters
C. Making a basket from 10 meters
Well, the answer is A! The closer we are to the "hoop", the easier it is to throw the ball into the "hoop". The farther we are, or the LONGER we are, the more difficult it is to "make the shot" or "to put the ball into the hoop".
I just gave you the BACKGROUND to Today's Expression! In the podcast, I tell you Today's Expression is "one word", which it is, but it looks like most people spell it as two words--you can use a hyphen, too! Too many choices^^
Have a SUPER day,
Coach Shane



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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 518_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 6:08am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:

discipline (noun and verb)  

Ooh! Cake! Maybe I’ll get a small piece.

Aren’t you on a diet? You need some discipline.

Who’s gonna discipline me?

Me!! Ha! I brought a mirror! Look at yourself!


I LOVE chocolate. But, I can control myself. I LOVE beer, but I almost always have just one can a day! To control yourself is NOT easy. It requires "TODAY'S EXPRESSION". But to control others, we also use "TODAY'S EXPRESSION". In my opinion, many children and students do NOT get enough of this magic word. When I was young I received LOTS of it! I was "TODAY'S EXPRESSION"ed every day!
Today's expression can be used as a NOUN and a VERB. It's a very USEFUL word that I want you to practice using. But it will require some "TODAY'S EXPRESSION"!!!
Have a great day,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 517_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:22am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:

to cry: sob, wail, whimper

When I saw that puppy whimpering I wanted to cry.

I was completely sobbing. It was so sad.

I’m glad mom didn’t see it.

I know! She would have been wailing!!


How was your weekend? I saw that many of you left messages on Facebook:
The dentist: OH NO!!
Trekking: YES!
Rose, did you survive? Did you cry?!
Nikolay, how far did you cycle? What kind of bike--road or mountain?
Jorge, how far did you and your friends trek? Did you camp?
BUT...now it is time to go BACK to WORK and SCHOOL! HA-HA-HA-HA! Don't cry^^ Be happy! In today's expression I will teach you THREE different "levels" of crying...and I want to know when the last time you cried was! Me? Listen to the podcast and you'll find out!!
Have a super week,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 516_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:59am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to follow along

The first thing you need to do is call the US embassy.

That’s the first thing?        

Weren’t you following along? That’s what the travel office said.

Oh, I guess just looking at the pictures on the wall~


The weekend is here...again!! I hope that you have some GREAT plans. Maybe you will go somewhere? Maybe you'll just stay at home? For me...My "rest" day is Sunday! So I will sleep in and then, probably, do some hiking and some cooking. What should I make? When I was at my mom's house on Monday I heard a chef on TV talking about some food with beef and tomatoes and lemons...but I wasn't "TODAY'S EXPRESSION".
Today's expression is VERY IMPORTANT if you EVER want to LEARN ANYTHING!
Have a great weekend,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 515_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:38am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 


Hi! Long time no see!

Yeah, good to see you! How’s everything?

Everything’s peachy! Yourself?

Couldn’t be better!

How is your Friday going? Great? Fine? Wonderful? Those are good words to describe your day...but should we ALWAYS use the SAME words? No--that's too boring! Today, let's use a different word! I like today's word and I think you will, too!

Have NOT ONLY a great Friday, BUT ALSO a great weekend!! (but use a different word than "great"!)
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 514_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

~ gives me a complex

Let’s go to John’s barbecue this Sunday.

No. He gives me a complex.

What? Why?

His life is so perfect. My life is so blah~~


How has your week been? Has anyone made you feel uncomfortable? Inadequate? Not good enough? Small? Stupid? Weak?
If yes, WHO? Give me their name--I'll take care of them~~
While I make them understand what a great person you are, I want you to master Today's Expression! It's a VERY common word that we can all use from time to time^^
Have a super day,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 513_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:11am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 


You look a little…



I’m am blah~ Nothing’s going right in my life~~


YOU have the power to CHOOSE how you feel. You have the ability. So, when you are NOT feeling "great", find a way to feel better! Today's expression is a word that we use when we do NOT feel great! It's a word we all need to know...and a word we all need to defeat!!

Have a HAPPY day,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 512_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 7:01am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

fingers crossed

John failed his exam.

Ha! I’m glad. He never studied.

But you told him you would keep your fingers crossed for him.

Yeah, but I crossed my fingers on my other hand when I said it!


Right now I'm installing Windows 10 on one of my computers. Wish me luck. I have heard that Windows 10 is nice, BUT it totally allows Microsoft to follow everything I do...which means "no privacy". Well, I don't do anything illegal, so that doesn't bother me, BUT...I still don't like the idea that "someone" could see my personal email or see how much I spent at the grocery store (I keep my list online!) or see the unbelievable amount of pictures of my two kitties that I have on my computer! Anyway, I'm sure I won't have any problems...right?
In this case--you need to use TODAY'S EXPRESSION!
Have a super week and tell me if you have upgraded to Windows 10!
Coach Shane



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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 511_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 8:25pm EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

travel halfway around the world to…

I’d travel halfway around the world to meet Celine Dion.

She lives about 10 miles from you.

Yeah, but she’d never meet me~

True~ But I’m sure your “heart will go on!”


Some things that I would LOVE to do, but will probably never get a chance...
Travel to space.
Go to the top of the Giza Pyramid.
Go on a safari in Kenya.
Ski across Alaska and Canada.
Travel from Scotland to Petropavlovsk by train.
Shake hands with real peacemakers.

Well, I can dream, right? And if I could, I would TODAY'S EXPRESSION in order to accomplish these dreams! Learn today's expression and tell me something that YOU would really want to do AND if your country/language has a different version of TODAY'S EXPRESSION, let me know!
Have a super weekend,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 510_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:55am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to leave no stone unturned

Did you find them yet?

No. I’m still looking.       

Leave no stone unturned. I need them!

How can anyone lose their glasses?!!


If you have EVER lost something, then you can use today's expression! In fact, I want you to use today's expression to me! Please tell me when the last time was that you lost something. Tell me what it was that you lost and how long it took to find it!! And try to use today's expression, too!!

Have a SUPER Friday,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 509_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

cut to the chase

I’ve got a big favor to ask.

Go ahead.

Well, you know how I love you. And I think you’re the greatest…

Cut to the chase!

Can I get 20 dollars?


The expression that I want you to learn and master and use today is actually a very old expression--but we still use it a LOT! But I wonder if it is a good expression to use in other "cultures"... Remember, some expressions are FINE in one country/culture, but NOT in another~ If this expression might not be a good one in your country/culture, let us know!

Have a super Thursday,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 508_ecubed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

to put lipstick on a pig   

What do you think of my business proposal?

Well, I don’t think it’ll work.

What if I add more graphs and pictures?

That’s just putting lipstick on a pig! Sorry~


Let's be real. Being real is NOT equal to being nice. Let's be real.
I have a used car. It is old. It has many scratches. It has many dents. If I wash my car, do you think it will look better?
McDonald's needs a new business idea. They decide to sell breakfast items NOT ONLY at breakfast time, but at ANY time. Is this the solution for McDonald's?
I look in the mirror. I'm losing my hair. Why don't I...buy a nice hat?! Will that solve my feeling of inadequacy?
The answer to all three conundrums? (wow, so many good vocabulary words today!!) NO. No, no and no. Those "solutions" are TODAY'S EXPRESSION. It is a great expression. Find real solutions, okay?
Your coach,


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 507_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:56am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

heading VS going

Going somewhere?

I’m heading out.

Where you going?

I’ll head over to Mike’s then home.


Did you have a busy day today? Me...a little. This morning I WENT into town to help my mom with her computer. Then I WENT to a store to buy some rice and coffee. After that I WENT to the post office...no mail~ Then I WENT back home. I made lunch, did a bunch of email and made the new DDM assignment (very tough, lots of new vocabulary). Then I WENT out for a hike. I came back, did the dishes, did more email and a LIVE show on Periscope. Then I WENT to the gym for a short workout. After that, I WENT home. Tomorrow I'll be GOING to the bank, then I'll GO to the store...What about you? Boring stuff like me?!! Oh, today--do NOT use "GO/GOING/WENT"...use what I teach in the podcast!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 506_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:59am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

What’s all this racket?  

What’s all this racket?

I’m trying to fix the sink.

It sounds like your destroying it.

Then YOU do it!


Have a SUPER week, everyone!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 505_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:07am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

Will do.

You going over to Mike’s?

Yeah. I’m on my way now.

Tell him I’ll see him on Friday.

Will do.


I hope your Sunday is a nice day for you--what are your plans? Today, I think I will go hiking...if it's not too hot. Yesterday was STILL hot...hurry fall weather! Just a reminder: we have a FREE COMMUNITY on our website--letsmasterenglish-- GO THERE! You do NOT need to log in, you can chat with other people, easily set up G+ hangouts and Skype Hangouts. We are still looking for problems, so if you find one, PLEASE let us know! I want you guys to PRACTICE these expressions and conversations with each other--so please use our community!
Have a great one!
Coach Shane



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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 504_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:57am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

in a nutshell

Do you think I can use this song in my YouTube video?

Well, the copyright laws are very strict.

And complicated.                     

Yeah. But in a nutshell, if you didn’t make it, don’t use it.


Lots of people ask me, "How did you become an English teacher?" Well, to be honest, it is a pretty long and boring story. If I were to tell you, you would be sleeping after five minutes! So, I try to SHORTEN the story and I try to use as FEW words as possible. Do you want to know the answer? Let's check it out...
YOU: Coach Shane, how did you become an English teacher?
ME: A Korean guy asked me to help him with a sentence, so I did. I liked it, and I continued helping! And here I am today!

WOW! Pretty short, huh? And it's true!! And this little story is what Today's Expression is all about! Enjoy^^
Your English coach,



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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 503_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:32am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

What the…

What the…

What’s wrong?

The bank charged me a fee for putting money in my account!

What? Are you serious?


According to my iPhone's weather APP...it is SNOWING IN MOSCOW! I am so jealous~ If you are in Russia and can take a picture of the snow, please TWEET me!
For me, in Las Vegas, the weather is still quite warm--but the nights are cooler. Right now it is 1am and the temperature is 26 degrees Celsius, tomorrow should be about 32. But Moscow is at 0!!! TODAY'S EXPRESSION. In this situation, I would use Today's Expression to express my SHOCK and DISBELIEF!
Well, to all my friends in Russia and everywhere else, please enjoy the nice weather and send me a picture of the weather you are experiencing!
Have a SUPER Friday,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 502_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:02am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

weather vs climate

How’s the weather today?

It’s raining! It’s great!       

I thought it never rained there.

Rarely. The climate here is really dry!


How's the weather where you are? What about the climate? Is the weather matching the climate? Has your climate changed in the past few weeks? Months? Years?
Find out the DIFFERENCE between weather and climate and DON'T make a silly mistake!

Have a super day!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 501_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:26am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:

to be stoked

Wow! 500 E-cubed lessons!

That’s a lot, huh?

Yes! You must be exhausted!

No way! I’m stoked! 500 more!!


500 PODCASTS!! Please, if you get a chance, tell me APPROXIMATELY you have listened to!! I really want to know^^

Thank you all SO much,
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 500_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:16am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

cry me a river

Paris was wonderful, but the wine was so expensive.


Really. And we paid over 100 euros every night for dinner.

Cry me a river~~


499!! Tomorrow will be our 500th E-cubed expression!! Wow! Thank you all for listening to my podcasts! I wonder if any of you have listened to all 500...hmm! Did you know that you can download ALL of them on our website! You can also read ALL of the dialogs, too! OH!! More big news--our website has a new COMMUNITY page! With live chat, hangout reservations...it's the greatest place to practice the dialogs with another person just like you--someone who wants to MASTER ENGLISH!

Thank you all SO much! Please join me tomorrow!!
Your English coach,


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 499_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:49am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: but no~~~

Want some more KFC?

No! I could have been grilling, but no~~~

Quit complaining. The rain is nice!

I wanted hamburgers on the grill!


It's Sunday night...Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest for me...BUT NOT TODAY~! No, actually was very busy. Not doing too many work-related things, but doing other things that I have been neglecting. Housework, cleaning my storage area, cleaning the floors, doing laundry...other busy stuff. I didn't want to do that stuff, I wanted to SLEEP!!
In this situation, you should use TODAY'S EXPRESSION! It's perfect. I hope that you had a nice weekend~ Well, the new week is here so LET'S make it a great week! Are you ready to study some English? I'm ready to be your coach! Let's do it!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 498_ecubed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a bug (body-related)              

Wash your hands with soap.


There’s a bug going around.



BE CAREFUL. Right now, we are going through a change of seasons. In some areas, the change is A LOT!! So, when the weather changes a lot, sometimes our bodies have a difficult time adapting...and we lose our ability to FIGHT viruses...and we get sick! Don't get sick. Eat well, get light exercise, sleep enough and WASH your hands! Why? You do NOT want to catch TODAY'S EXPRESSION!!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend--our first weekend of October 2015! I love it^^
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 497_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:33am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 

a bug

So, how’s the update?

There’s a major bug!


My battery life was cut in half! I switched back to the old system.


I really do NOT like to use the word "hate". It's a very strong word. And, honestly, I can't think of many things that I hate...almost zero. But I think too many people use the word to much. Anyway, I will tell you something that I HATE...bugs. Insects. Roaches. Spiders. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE them. HATE.
However...there are two types of bugs that I don't mind. I will tell you one of those in today's podcast!
What do you HATE? Let me know!
Have a super, love-filled day!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 496_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: out of date

What are you doing?              

I’m updating the software. It’s out of date.

Oh, I should do that, too.

I’ll let you know if it’s any good.


Do you have an iPhone? Which version of the software do you have? I keep getting a notification that there is a new UPDATED version ready. But, it seems, every time I update my iPhone my phone gets SLOWER! What about you? Should I upgrade to the newest version? Actually, my version is from early this year...it's really TODAY'S EXPRESSION!!

We have a great expression to day that you can use NOT ONLY FOR software, but also for dancing! And other things, too!
Have a super day,
Coach Shane


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Direct download: 495_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:18am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a poor excuse

He broke up with you? Why?

He said, “You’re too good for me.”

Oh~ That’s a poor excuse! He has a woman!!

I know~ He’s such a loser~~


I remember when I was in 7th grade--I was 13 years old--and I had taken an English test but I got a REALLY bad grade. I think it was a D! Which is about 67%~  Not good, for me. My teacher asked me, "What happened?" I told her, "I didn't have enough time to prepare." She became SO angry! I thought her head was going to explode~ She said, "That is the worst excuse I have ever heard. You were LAZY. You will NEVER become a man until you can tell the truth when you know you have done wrong."  I was shocked. And...she did that in front of the other students. I was humiliated. But she was right...since then, I have done my BEST to not use "Today's Expression"! Listen and learn!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 494_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:32am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to talk a mile a minute

Did you understand anything he said?

No! He talks a mile a minute~

He should be a sports announcer!

Yeah! He’d be perfect for the World Cup^^


Do you talk? Of course you do!! But, are you a SLOW talker, a normal talker or a FAST talker? I'm a normal talker, I think. When I speak English or Korean, the speed is the same. I have a friend who's a slow talker...UGH~ Sometimes it drives me crazy. When I first met him, I thought he had a low IQ!! Then I realized he was actually very smart, just a slow talker! Then there are the FAST talkers... I tend to NOT be a fan! But hey, people are people!! Today I will teach you an expression you can use when someone is talking REALLY fast! It's a good one^^

Have a super week!
Coach Shane


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Direct download: 493_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 12:44am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: take a dip

It’s so hot.

Let’s go take a dip.

Great idea! The lake?

Too far. Let’s go to the pool.


Fall (autumn) began on September 23rd. Are you experiencing fall? I hope you enjoy it! For me, in the desert, it's still summer. Today the temperature was 41 degrees...so hot~
Today's expression is about WHAT TO DO when it is too hot! It's a super great expression and I think you will like it!
Have a wonderful fall, everyone! And a great weekend, too!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 492_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:11am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to feign something

Here comes the boss.

He saw us watching the game.

Quick--feign death.

Were you men watching the game? Guys? Sue, bring my gun. Let’s make sure they’re dead.


Today's expression will be VERY useful if you meet a bear in the woods! Or...if you do NOT want to go to work or school after the weekend! Most of us probably don't want to!!
Do you have plans for this weekend? I will probably go hiking on Sunday...but that's about it. It's still warm where I live in the desert...I wish I could experience a real "cold" fall like I did when I lived in Wisconsin. Maybe...next year!! Happy FALL, everyone^^
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 491_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:21am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: You name it.

You wanna name my cat?

No! You name it!

What should I name it?

You name it!         

How about…Shane?!


Are you "flexible"? If your friend wants to watch a movie, is ANY movie okay with you? If your wife/husband wants to go to a restaurant, is ANY restaurant okay with you? When your family wants to go on vacation, is ANY destination okay with you? If you answer YES to any of those questions, you are VERY flexible. You will also GREATLY benefit from today's expression! Remember, though, being flexible ALL the time is annoying to other people! Am I wrong?!!

Have a super day!
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 490_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:29am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a nail-biter

Did you see Green Bay on Sunday?


That was a nail-biter!

It was an excellent victory!


IF you like sports or IF you have ever taken a test or IF you have been to the doctor's office and are waiting to hear what he or she will tell you...THEN you need today's expression!
Speaking of doctor--a week and a half ago I went back to my skin doctor and he wanted to TEST three spots on my body (on my back, my head and in my ear~). I have had several cases of skin cancer, so he thought I might have more. WELL...I have been waiting for the results of the tests and they came back TODAY...all three spots are "benign" which means NO cancer!! I'm very happy. I used today's expression several times!!
Have a GREAT and HEALTHY day!!
Coach Shane

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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 489_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: my lips are sealed




My lips are sealed.


Let's REVIEW the last two days, okay:

If you want to have people TELL OTHER people something important, use the expression "Pass it along" or "Pass it on".

If you want to tell a person a SECRET and you do NOT want that person to tell anyone else, use "Mum's the word."

Easy, right? So, what if someone tells you "Mum's the word." How can you respond? Of course, you could say, "Okay!" But if that person is going to use a cool expression, then you should use a cool expression, too. Right? So, I'll teach you one today! Listen and enjoy and have a SUPER WEEK!!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 488_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 12:58am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: mum’s the word




Got it.


Do you have any secrets? Tell me one! Just one secret, okay? Don't worry, I promise I will NOT tell ANYONE about your secret. Really, I promise that I won't "pass it along"! Yesterday we learned "pass it along", and today we will learn ... do NOT pass it along!! It's a really good expression with a funny explanation^^ 

But seriously, I want you to tell me your secrets, okay? Cool^^

Have a great day,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 487_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: pass it on/along




You bet.


How's your weekend? Mine? BUSY!! But I like it that way^^ 

In today's expression you will learn that SOME THINGS you can "pass along", but some things you shouldn't. Find out WHICH things you can pass along today! Also, I'll teach you another way to say "pass along"...it's really similar!!


Have a super day,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 486_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:51am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to bow out




My knee (went out). I can’t run.


What can you say if you MUST say NO to something that you already said YES to?!! Of course, "I'm sorry!" But, there's something else you can add AND it makes you look pretty good! That's what I will teach you in today's expression^^

It's Friday--I hope you have a wonderful TGIF and a fantastic weekend!


Take care,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 485_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:06am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: an 8.3 magnitude quake

Did you hear? An earthquake just hit Chile.

Oh no. What magnitude?      


Wow~ That’s a big one. I hope people are okay…


My heart goes out to everyone affected by the HUGE earthquake in Chile today. I know that several people have died and more are experiencing great hardship. 

To lose something by NO wrongdoing of yourself is such a terrible experience. 

Today's expression is dedicated to those people--I know all the listeners of this podcast will also be sending a piece of their heart to them, too.



Coach Shane


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Direct download: 484_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:20am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: bursting at the seams




No! I’m already bursting at the seams^^


Today's expression was VERY EXPENSIVE to make. I destroyed one t-shirt and one pair of pants. Why? So that you could HEAR exactly what the expression means. You will have to listen carefully. 


No. I'm not joking. DESTROYED one t-shirt and one pair of pants. All for YOU. Because I love you. And I want you to master English.


Your devoted English coach,




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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 483_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:02am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Dead broke


Did you hear what Hillary Clinton said?


Now what?                         


After Bill retired as president, they were dead broke!

What? Dead broke! Tell her to come live with us! She’ll see dead broke!


How much money do you have in your pockets/wallet/purse right now. Me? I have 40 cents. One quarter, a dime and a nickel. That is it. Oh, in the bank I have some money, but in cash...40 cents. Is there anything I can buy for that? I don't thinks so...maybe a piece of candy. Essentially, I am BROKE! But today, I'll teach you an even better expression^^ So, if your friend asks you to buy him lunch or take him to dinner--use today's expression! If you wife tells you to take her out--use today's expression. If Coach Shane asks you to join his classes, join!


Have a SUPER day and don't spend all your money in one place,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 482_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:13am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: tear around/through


What was that?


The cat’s tearing around the house.


He broke my lamp!

But he’s so cute^^


What do pets and children have in common? Probably MANY things!!! But let's focus on PLAYTIME! They love to play^^ And when they start playing, they start to get excited...and then they often like to run! Chasing each other becomes GREAT FUN! But, that can cause moms and dads to go crazy~! And if they break something...oh boy~~ DANGER!!!

Today's expression will teach you the perfect verb to use in this situation. Have a super and safe week!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 481_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:09pm EST

Today’s expression and dialog: crash


I’m starting to crash.


How long have you been working?


I’ve been working since 6am. 15 hours.

Yeah. You need to get some rest, bud!


If you work TOO much...what happens? 

If you don't eat enough...what happens? 

If you don't sleep enough...what happens?


I'll tell you what could happen in today's podcast! It's SUNDAY...get some GOOD rest, get some GOOD food, don't work TOO much...and have an excellent start to your new week! That's what I'm going to do!!


Have a great day,


Coach Shane


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Direct download: 480_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:46am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Dutch, Holland, Netherlands


Where are you from?


The Netherlands.


Oh, Holland, right?


Well, Holland is actually just an area of the Netherlands.


Oh. But you’re Dutch, right?

No. I’m Frisian. A different ethnic group.


How many countries are in the UK? Yes!! How many COUNTRIES are in the UK? The answer: FOUR. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. They really are four different countries. So you had better not call every person you meet from the UK "English"!! They might get angry! As the world gets smaller and smaller, we should pay more attention to WHO we meet and where they are from. Although we come from "a country", we might be VERY different from the "stereotype" of that country! Be careful! Be respectful! And let's TEACH EACH OTHER about EACH OTHER!!

Have a super weekend,


Coach Shane


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Direct download: 479_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:58am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: the refs


This World Cup is gonna be hi-tech.


How so?              


They’re using goal-line technology.

So the refs won’t miss any goals.


Like yesterday, today's expression is also related to sports. I think we use the word in EVERY sport...I think! What's cool is, we use the word as a noun AND as a verb! AND, you need to know this word IF you like sports. By the way, what is your favorite sport? Let me know!

Have a super day and TGIF!!!


Coach Shane



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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 478_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:43am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Who’s your money on?                      


The new season has begun!


Who’s your money on?


Seattle, man.                

New England’s the defending champs!


I LOVE the fall! Two main reasons. The first reason is a new year of "school starts". Now, of course, I am NOT a student...but I can still feel that energy! It's very exciting~!! The second reason: FOOTBALL! American football starts THIS weekend^^ I know, most of the world doesn't really understand American football, but if you like sports, I encourage you to try and learn a little. As for me, I am physically WAY TOO SMALL to play football, but I absolutely LOVE to watch it! Today's expression is perfect for sports fans--ANY sports! After you learn today's expression, I want you to use it, okay? Great!!


Have a super day,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:31am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: the devil is in the details


Your scholarship application is great, but…


But what?


Pat Smith is a Mrs. not a Mr.


Oh my god…       

The devil is in the details~


Did you ever try something that was a COMPLETE failure? I have done many of those things! But I always learn... Sometimes learning "the hard way" is the best way to learn. In today's podcast I will tell you a story of when I failed...TERRIBLY! It's kind of funny, but for me and my friend--at the time--it was disgusting!!!


Have a great day and REMEMBER today's expression!


Coach Shane



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Direct download: 476_ecubed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: I could use (something to drink/eat)

Can I get you anything?

I could use a coffee.

Milk and sugar?

Black, please.


Is there something you would like to eat or drink RIGHT NOW? If a waiter came to you and asked, "Would you like anything?" What would you say?

Well, today I will teach you a GREAT way of asking for something to eat or drink...a way that you probably have NEVER used before! 

Once you understand the expression, please imagine that I am your waiter and I am now coming up to you...

"Hi! Is there anything I can get you?"

--please upload/send your answer!!--


Have a great week, 


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 1:39am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be fresh out of something


I’m going to the store.


Great. We’re fresh out of milk.


Anything else?

We could use some sugar. And lettuce, too.


Do you go shopping at the grocery store BEFORE you need to go shopping at the grocery store?!! They say that if you go WITH a list and NOT when you are hungry, you will save money AND buy healthier foods. 

I try to do that...but I have to be honest, I usually go when I absolutely need something! Usually milk or eggs. Beer? As you might know, I do enjoy beer--but I ALWAYS have extra beer in the house! I'm never "out"! 

Today's expression talks about when you are OUT of something--it's an easy expression and very good. So, I want you to use it and TWEET me your example sentence, okay? You can leave it on FaceBook, too!

Have a great day,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:32am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to gloss over


Don’t gloss over your pronunciation rules.


I go too quickly?      


Yes. Explain them clearly.

Okay. I just thought everyone knew them.


Be careful when someone is trying to sell you something and they speak TOO FAST!! They're probably "glossing over" some very important information! Today's expression is a VERY useful "phrasal verb"! I hope you enjoy it^^ 

Have a super Saturday, everyone!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:39am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be after something


What are you after in life?


Fame. I wanna be famous!


What are you after?

Money. I wanna be rich!


When I was young I wanted EVERYTHING. I had dreams of becoming a HUGE success with TONS of money and big houses and fast cars and yachts... Well, so far...none of that. BUT I'm happy!!! I have you! I have a tons of books, big computers, fast bicycles and a compact car. Not bad!! Today's podcast will be talking about goals...but the expression you will learn is really great! Listen and enjoy and think about your goals and TELL ME!!

Have a SUPER Friday,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 5:21am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: sounds about right


How much longer?


About 60 miles.


So, we should get there around 3?

Sounds about right.


Today's expression is very easy...BUT...I want you to USE it. Use it today. Use it with your friends. Even if your friends or family don't speak English, use it! When they say, "What did you say?" Then you say, "Oh, I'm sorry. I spoke English! It's because of my English teacher!!" Your friends and family will be VERY impressed! They will love you more. They will respect you more. They will buy you more presents. They will give you money. They will make you birthday cakes. They will name their future children after you. Those future children will sing songs about you in the future. 


Too much? Maybe! BUT use today's expression!!

Have a great day,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:01am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: constructive criticism


What’s wrong?


This guy said my video was bad.


Did he say why?

No! At least give me some constructive criticism if you’re gonna say that~


Do you want to make the world a better place? Do you want to be a better person? Do you want to create a better world for the future? Then start using constructive criticism. We can all find problems in EVERYTHING. But finding problems does NOT solve problems. Constructive criticism can be very good, very powerful. Let's start using it and doing it today! I'll tell you all about "constructive criticism" in today's podcast!

Have a SUPER day,


Coach Shane


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Direct download: 470_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:56am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: turn over a new leaf


Is that tea?         


Yeah. No more coffee for me.


You stopped drinking beer, too! Did you turn over a new leaf?

Yeah! I’m trying to be more healthy.


So, if you want to start OR stop something...when is the best time? January first? On the first day of the month? The first day of the week? Well, yesterday was my ONE YEAR anniversary of QUITTING SMOKING! Yes! I had tried quitting MANY times. And several times I made a "New Year's Resolution" to quit...but I failed. However, I did not let my failure BLOCK me from my future success. I knew I would try to quit again, and eventually I did. Not on January First. Not on a Monday. Not on the beginning of the month. But on Saturday, August 30th, 2014. That's a date that I will remember for...as long as I live! Today's expression will get YOU to "start or stop" something today! Do it!


Have a super week,

Coach Shane!



PS. Don't forget--today is a GREAT day to join DDM--we start a new show today!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:12am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: my gut tells me…


Let’s go back home.


No, let’s stay some more.


Two hours and not a bite.

My gut tells me the fish are getting hungry~


Are you good at "guessing"? Do you have an accurate "intuition"? If you think about it, each time we make a guess, we use a specific part of our body...what?!! For example, if you make a guess about a business situation, you make an "intellectual guess"--you use your BRAIN. If you make a guess that "a girl likes you" so you should be nice to her, you guess with your HEART! But what is the THIRD part of your body that you guess with?  The answer...your GUT. I'll explain ALL about this type of GUESS in today's podcast! 

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Sunday! It's my day off so I might go fishing! Do you think I will catch a fish? Can you guess? With which body part?!!

Take care!


Coach Shane

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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:50am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a kerfuffle


What’s all the kerfuffle about?


The lady in 407 has an alligator!


What? That’s crazy!

I know, but she says it’s her pet.


Did you hear about that HUGE SCANDAL in America about the "dating website" for "married people"? Personally--I think it is hilarious. The website is for "married people" who are "BORED" with their relationship and just want "a little extra fun". Well, there was a HUGE KERFUFFLE because we now know that almost EVERY "woman" on the website was actually a MAN!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! 

Everyone, if you are married...be good. YOU made the choice, make your choice the RIGHT choice. Being a responsible husband/wife means you are RESPONSE ABLE...YOU make your responses. Make them good ones!! Oh, be quiet, Coach Shane!! Just explain "KERFUFFLE"! Okay, I will--in the podcast!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:36am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a bad omen (good omens, too!)


It’s 11 at night and still 40 out.


This is a bad omen.


I know. We’re gonna die in this heat.

Thank god we have A/C.


Do you ever get the FEELING something bad OR good is going to happen? Do you ever get a signal? A sign? I think in every country/culture, there are different "signals" or "signs" that tell us something GOOD is going to happen or something BAD is going to happen! 

Do you believe in that stuff? I know many of you do NOT!!

But whether you believe in those things or not, we can still learn a GREAT expression we use in these situations! 




Coach Shane


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Direct download: 466_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:39am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: What keeps you up at night?                         


You always look so happy!


Yeah, thanks. But you… What keeps you up at night?


Oh, everything! My job, my bills…money!

I wish I could help~~ 


When you go to bed, are you able to fall asleep right away? I do IF I get enough exercise. But when I don't get enough exercise...my mind wanders~ My mind can move from topic to topic so fast I laugh!! But there are times when, even if I get a LOT of exercise, I can't fall asleep. Those times are when I am worried about something~ To be honest, this happens every week the night before I make new assignments in DDM and PIRF. I take a lot of time to choose the topic and the sentences to focus on-I worry that some students won't like it-I worry that it will be too easy or too hard for some. BUT, I can only do my best, right? I want to ask my Daily Expression to you! Tweet me back!


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: opposites attract


Do you think opposites attract?


Maybe at first.       


Yeah! I agree.

If two people are too different, I don’t think a relationship will work.


Is it true? Nice girls like naughty boys... Tall men like short women... Losers fall in love with winners~  Quiet people dream about loud people... 


I can think of a few examples where that is true. How can we describe these types of relationships? I'll tell you today! 


Have a WONDERFUL day!!


Coach Shane


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Direct download: 464_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:15pm EST

Today’s expression and dialog: in a rut  


You don’t look so happy.


I’m in a rut.

Take a break from work.
Yeah, maybe a week off would help.


My daily life--my daily routine--is the same nearly every day. And I like it!! BUT, sometimes I do get SICK OF IT! Especially just a few years ago I was ALWAYS looking for something to do~ somewhere to go~ someone to hang out with... I was afraid of HAVING A BORING LIFE!! When someone has a "boring job" or a "boring schedule" or a "boring weekend" or a "boring relationship" or a "boring family" ... it can be really terrible!! We need to get OUT of that boredom. And today's expression is one that you can use when you are SICK of your boring life!! 

It's YOUR life, don't get "s____ __ _ r__"--learn to have a good life!


Have a super day,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 2:27am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: two-faced


Bill Cosby on. I love him!


Turn it off.


Why? He’s the greatest! The Cosby Show~

He’s two-faced. On TV he seems nice, but I’ve heard in person…whoo!


I hope the people you meet this week are all nice people. Be careful of those people that are "nice to you when they talk to you" but when they talk with someone else they say bad things about you! And then there are those people that SEEM like great people. They say nice things, they do good things, they are very polite...but then, when no one is looking, they do terrible things and say horrible things...

These people are everywhere...sometimes "these people" are us~~  Not cool. We need to be careful! We do NOT want to be "___-_____" That's today's expression!! Learn it and DON'T live it!!


Have a great week,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:13am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: ticked off


What’s wrong with John?


Eric ticked him off.



Eric keeps bothering him about smoking.


ONE thing nice about living in the HOT and DRY desert...the "stable" weather. Next year I might move up north and the weather is very different. There are many STORMS. And with storms there is lightning. And lightning is NOT good for electricity. When there is lightning, sometimes the electricity goes OUT. And when there is no electricity, I have no internet. When there is no internet, I cannot work! When I cannot work, I cry!!! Really^^ Having NO electricity really makes me mad! Having no internet REALLY makes me angry! NOT being able to teach REALLY MAKES ME SUPER MAD!!! And today, I will teach an excellent PHRASAL VERB you can use when YOU are angry!!

Stay happy!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:21am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to sneeze at something


Shane is an English teacher! Ha!




He’s American. They speak American, not English.

Don’t sneeze at American English!!


A few days ago my mom gave me some chicken that her neighbor had made. She told me she couldn't eat it because it was too spicy--too hot! I laughed and told my mom, "Aww, is it too hot for my mommy? Don't worry, her baby son will eat the spicy food! Ha-ha-ha~~~"

My mom did not think it was funny. She prepared a plate for me and asked me if I wanted some ice water. I laughed and said, "NO!! I'm tough mom. I can eat spicy food all day long." 

My mom said, "Don't sneeze at my offer. And don't sneeze at that chicken."

Then I took a bite. Then I called 911. NEVER sneeze at spicy chicken! NEVER sneeze at your mom!

Find out what I mean by listening to today's podcast!


Coach Shane^^


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:40am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be slapped with a fine


You’re late.


I’m sorry. I made an illegal U-turn.


Did they let you go?      

No! I got slapped with a fine.


When I was a kid, I frequently got into trouble. Nothing serious, but I always liked to "push the boundaries". Especially when driving. I LOVED driving fast. I was always watching the road carefully, but I loved to drive fast. And I hated stop signs...especially in the country. There are NO PEOPLE...so why do they need stop signs.

Well, the police knew my name. I guess that I received at least 5 tickets for speeding, not stopping, illegally parking, illegal U-turns... Like I said, nothing serious, but I did get A LOT OF tickets. And each ticket--I had to pay money! That "money" is called a FINE. And today's expression will tell you HOW painful those fines were!



Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:23am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to dabble in    


Would you help me write this sales letter?


Me? Why me?


I know you’ve dabbled in writing in the past.

Yeah, but that was poetry! Not business stuff!


In my life, I have had lots of hobbies. But there have been a few in which I  spent more time doing... I became very knowledgeable or skilled at them. One of those hobbies was triathlons. I had always loved running and swimming and cycling, but there was a time when I became VERY serious and invested a lot of time and money into that hobby. I knew a LOT more than the average person and people could come to me for reliable information. I wasn't a professional...but I was good! SO...HOW can we describe this situation? Do you have something similar? I'm sure you do! Listen to today's podcast, learn a great expression and think about yourself and tell me!!

Have a GREAT day!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:48am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: pizzazz   

How’s the stew.

It’s okay. A little bland.

Argh~~ I should’ve added cumin.

Yeah. That would’ve given it some pizzazz!


If you follow me on FaceBook, many of you know that I do like to cook. I like cooking different things and, after looking at some of my pictures, my cooking looks REALLY good!! However, pictures do not always tell the truth! Actually, I really try to "eat healthy", so I do NOT use much spice. A tiny bit of salt, a tiny bit of black pepper...that's about it. The rest of my "flavoring" comes from veggies. I usually try to use raw veggies for most of my flavoring. I like it, but for most people-BORING! So, what can I do to make my food more "exciting", more "tasty", more "interesting"? Well, today I will teach you THE MAGIC WORD that means ALL of that!


Have a super day!


Coach Shane


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Direct download: 457_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a dish 


What’s that?


This is a great veggie dish to make your body stronger.


Is that kimchi? You made it?

Well, I opened the package^^


Today's word is PERFECT if you like special foods! I do love special foods. I like to make them, to look at them, to smell them. Oh, and to EAT THEM!!


In the US, you might think of hamburgers as the MAIN food. But we have SO many different foods. And in different parts of America, there are special foods. And I know that SAME is true in your country! 


So, after learning today's expression, I hope that you will DO the assignment!! I'm counting on you!


Have a super week, everyone!

Your English coach,




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Category:Education -- posted at: 12:32am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: in the shop


Did you walk here?


Yeah. My car’s in the shop.


What happened?      

I don’t know. Something’s wrong with the engine.


A long time ago...a LONG time ago, if something broke, what did people do? They fixed it!! Dads and moms fixed everything! If they didn't know how to fix it, they would call the neighbor--the neighbor could fix it! I know that America was like that--and I'm sure your country was like that, too. But, in America, things started to change around the middle of last century. I guess things became more complicated... Nowadays car engines look NOTHING like car engines 40 years ago! I used to fix my old 1971 Plymouth Fury III car, but now I have a small Ford Fiesta...I open the hood and I can't even see the engine!! So where do I take it? I'll tell you TODAY!

Oh, and if you want to join our book club and get a FREE AUDIO BOOK--listen carefully to the podcast--I'll tell you EVERYTHING you need to know!

Have a SUPER week^^


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 455_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:04am EST