Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Today’s expression and dialog: no pun intended


Oh no!


What happened?


I spilled maple syrup on my keyboard!!!


Ooh—now that’s a sticky situation. No pun intended~



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Direct download: 363_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:25am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a sticky situation


I think I saw Becky’s boyfriend with another woman.


Are you sure?


Yeah…he was kissing her.


Oh my god! Did you tell Becky, yet?

No! This is a very sticky situation. The woman was Becky’s roommate!


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Direct download: 362_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 6:19am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: nerd versus geek


John is such a nerd.


No, he’s more of a geek.


What’s the difference?

John is overly confident and extroverted!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 361_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:49am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be thick-skinned (tough-skinned)


My professor is SO mean to me. He always criticizes my writing.


You need to be more thick-skinned.


But he NEVER likes my work.

He’s making you a better writer. Don’t get emotional.


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 360_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:27am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Save my spot!


Are you okay?


Oh man...I’ve really gotta go to the bathroom. Could you save my spot?


Sure, no problem.

Oh, thanks. I’ll be back quick!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 359_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:21am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to cut in line


Uh, did you just cut in line?


Oh, there’s a line here?


Yeah! The end of the line is way back there.



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Direct download: 358_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:44am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a retrospective


Are you going to Picasso’s retrospective?


Where is it?


At MoMA. I’m going on Friday.

Great. I’d love to go with you.


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Direct download: 357_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:32am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: First World problems


Look at this! My coffee’s only 4/5ths full!


First World problems…      


Well, it’s true! I paid for a full cup!

At least you have the luxury of buying gourmet coffee!


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Direct download: 356_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 6:39am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to nip it in the bud


I think I’m gonna get that Caramel Macchiato. That was really good yesterday.


No, you better nip that in the bud?



You’ll get addicted! All that sugar~ Stay away or you’ll get fat.


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Direct download: 355_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:18am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be engaged


Why do you like Coach Shane’s English lessons?


He keeps me engaged.


What? You’re getting married to Coach Shane?! WOW!!!

No! He keeps me interested!!!


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Direct download: 354_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:33am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to run ragged


My new schedule is running me ragged.


Pretty tough?


I’m busy from 7am to 7pm non-stop!

Wow! Don’t work too hard~


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Direct download: 353_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:18am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a Sunday driver


Come on.


Relax. We’ve got time.


I hate these Sunday drivers.

Relax! Don’t cause an accident.


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Direct download: 352_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:03am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to swerve


Why’d that guy swerve?


Look out!


Oh…a dog!

Oh, that’s SO dangerous. Let’s drive slowly~


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Direct download: 351_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:23am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to fall flat


Boy, that movie really fell flat.


Yeah~ What a waste of money.


Let’s go watch some Seinfeld.

Good idea!


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Direct download: 350_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:34am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be washed up


Shane, why don’t you sing again?


I’m too old.


But you were SO excellent!

That’s was a long time ago. I’m all washed up now~


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Direct download: 349_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:18am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be in its infancy

How’s your new company going?

Nicely. We’re still in our infancy.

Have you broke even?

Not yet. Maybe in 6 months.


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Direct download: 348_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:08am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to break even

What kind of business do you want to start?

I want to sell ice cream!

But…this is Alaska.

Everyone loves ice cream!

You’ll never break even.


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Direct download: 347_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:00am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: dazzle

How was Vegas?

The hotels were quite nice.

Did you see any shows?

There was a magic show that really dazzled me!

Which one?

Mac King. He’s at Harrah’s.


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Direct download: 346_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:38am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to mold A into B


Why do you teach English?


I coach students to be masters of English.



So that they can change their world. I want to mold global leaders in every part of the world.


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Direct download: 345_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:46am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to pan out

Did you get that car you were talking about?

No. It didn’t pan out.

What happened?

The guy was asking too much.


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Direct download: 344_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:29am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: asking price


Look at this sweater.


Nice. Is it wool?


100%. It’s beautiful.


What are they asking? (What's the asking price?)


Only 300 dollars!



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Direct download: 343_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:46am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Yikes!

Shane, I want you to give the opening speech.

Oh, okay. How long should it be?

60 minutes.

Yikes! Um, how many people will be there?

Around 600.



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Direct download: 342_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:06am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to give SMO a holler


I heard you’re moving next week.


Yes! I’m excited.


Well, give me a holler if you need any help!

Thanks, John. I will^^


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Direct download: 341_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:27am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to dwell on sth

The boss is always dwelling on the importance of coming in early.

Yeah, but he’s the first to fall asleep at his desk!

He thinks he’s so industrious.

I get more done in one day than he does all week~


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Direct download: 340_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:59am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: industrious

Wow! Did you clean your room?

Yep. And I did the dishes.


And I folded the clothes!

You are so industrious!


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Direct download: 339_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: More power to you!


You look good! Exercising?


Walking! I’m up to 3 miles a day^^


Great! More power to you!

Thanks. My goal is six.


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Direct download: 338_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:00am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: ~ standing in my way


You should focus on English.


I know. But…


What’s standing in your way?

I don’t have time!


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Direct download: 337_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 6:36am EST

Today’s expression and dialog:  He can hold his own

Look at that guy? Still drinking! And he’s fine.

He can hold his own.

How many beers is that?

That’s his 23rd can of beer.


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Direct download: 336_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:20am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: He is a loose cannon


Shane’s videos are so stupid.


Don’t tell him that.


Why? What’s he gonna do?


He’ll punch you! He’s a loose cannon.

Ooh~ I’m so scared~


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Direct download: 335_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:00am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: bogged down

Why didn’t you text me back?

I’m sorry, I was busy.

Didn’t you see it?

I did, but I was SO bogged down at that time.

You don’t love me~



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Direct download: 334_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:23am EST