Fri, 29 December 2017
Hello everyone! Can you believe that the END of 2017 is almost's our last Friday of the year...TGIF! Make it a super weekend! I will be back next year better than ever! And remember, if you want to get serious about your English--please join our classes! Get the free ones first to see what the classes are like AND to see if you like them. Then join us! And I recommend our LIVE classes so you can practice with a REAL teacher like ME! Happy New Year, everyone! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday
Today’s English expression and dialog: cockamamie Where’s my hash browns? No hash browns. McDonald’s said ALL-DAY BREAKFAST! They gave me some cockamamie story about having just one deep fryer and it’s either fries or hash browns~
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Thu, 28 December 2017
A SUPER idiom you can use everywhere! Have a super day and don't forget our SALE! And please tell your friends! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday Today’s English expression and dialog: to get wind of it Mike’s retiring next month. Yeah. I got wind of it on Twitter. What’d you see? HR announced a new opening in Marketing—so I guessed~
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Wed, 27 December 2017
Have a fantastic day!! And learn a great idiom, too! Enjoy today's podcast! And don't forget our End Of Year Sale! It's happening right now at CS
Today’s English expression and dialog: slip through the cracks How did that guy get so many guns? He slipped through the cracks. But don’t they check people before they can buy a gun? Yes, but the system’s not perfect.
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Tue, 26 December 2017
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thank you to EVERYONE who sent me well-wishes for not only Christmas and NYD, but also my birthday! My birthday and Christmas were fantastic! And I will make the rest of 2017 super, too!
Today’s English expression and dialog: Come around Is Tom here? No. Why don’t you come around tomorrow? Okay. You think he’ll be less mad at me? I’m sure^^ He always comes around after a day or two.
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Mon, 18 December 2017
<in the cards> Today's expression is PERFECT for the end of the year. But it could be sad or frustrating for you... BUT, Remember, finish 2017 strong and start 2018 stronger! The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday
Have a super week, Coach Shane
Today’s English expression and dialog: in the cards… We’re still working at 7pm~ When I was 20, I planned on retiring at 40. We’re in our forties…and still working for someone else~ Yep~ It wasn’t in the cards.
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Wed, 13 December 2017
<I feel less and less so > I hope you are doing great this Wednesday--join me LIVE at 1:30pm Chicago, okay? And enjoy today's podcast NOW!! Share it, please!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: I feel less and less so I used to be a really nervous driver. So you became a taxi driver? Well, I feel less and less so now. Whew! That’s good~~
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Tue, 12 December 2017
Happy Tuesday, everyone!! Today’s English expression and dialog: Copy that! I want you to pick me up by 5pm. Copy that. And don’t forget to bring my briefcase. Roger. Anything else?
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Mon, 11 December 2017
Happy Monday!! Less than three weeks left for 2017! Let's use that time wisely! Today's expression is what you might HEAR when two people are arguing...think of the expression as "funny" but try NOT using it! Today’s English expression and dialog: Up yours! And your cooking is terrible. What do you know? And you smell! Up yours!
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Fri, 8 December 2017
TGIF!! Thank god it's Friday!! Congratulations to the southern parts of Texas and northern parts of Mexico--you have SNOW!! I know that it is very rare there!! Enjoy it^^ TGIF!
Today’s English expression and dialog: way off the mark Coach Shane’s birthday is in two weeks! How old do you think Coach Shane is? Mm…38? Ha! You are way off mark!
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Thu, 7 December 2017
Today is a nice expression that is probably more popular in Australia than in the US or UK, but we still know it! And so should you! Have a super day! Coach Shane
Today’s English expression and dialog: Good on you! Check out my new shirt! Hey, that looks good on you! Well, good on you!
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Wed, 6 December 2017
Hello!! Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL
Today’s English expression and dialog: Them’s fightin’ words! Why didn’t John come to the party? He said your house was too small. Too small? And your taste in music was bad~ What? Them’s fightin’ words!
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Mon, 4 December 2017
Today we will master a tricky word from Daily English--it has TWO common usages! Are you ready? Let's Master English!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: Whatsoever Is DDM helping you? I have no doubt whatsoever. Maybe I should join. If you have any questions whatsoever, just ask!
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Wed, 29 November 2017
Today's expression is a great word to LEARN--and then a great word to think about. It's a very strange VERB! Have fun and have a great day! Today’s English expression and dialog: to pigeonhole someone I think I should quit my job. Why? The pay is great. But I’m pigeonholed. So, other than flipping burgers, what can you do?
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Mon, 27 November 2017
Happy Monday!! Today we will learn a SUPER expression that you can use when you agree with WHAT a person has just said. It's a SUPER common expression that many ESL students are confused about. After this podcast, you will NOT be confused. I hope!!! If you do get confused, please tell me about it!! Have a GREAT ending to your November!
Today’s English expression and dialog: Tell me about it I’m so happy the summer is over. Tell me about it! Fall is definitely my favorite season. I’m more into winter.
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Fri, 24 November 2017
Questions? Email us at HELP at LetsMasterEnglish dot COM Oh...ENJOY today's podcast!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: to pull the plug Did you pull the plug? On what? The LME Podcast? We miss it! No! It’s just on a break~
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Wed, 22 November 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!! Be thankful for what we have...that's the MESSAGE of Thanksgiving. Many people do NOT have much... Helping those in need is the TASK around this holiday. Have a great rest of your week!
Today’s English expression and dialog: a live wire So, are you excited about Thanksgiving? I’m worried. My nephew is coming over. Timmy. Non-stop action, huh? He’s three. He’s a live wire…I’m scared!
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Mon, 20 November 2017
Happy Thanksgiving Week!! Have a SUPER week!
Today’s English expression and dialog: back in my heyday I see you’re cycling again. I want to do a triathlon next year! Hey, back in my heyday, I was unstoppable!
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Fri, 17 November 2017
TGIF! Have a super weekend everyone^^ Don't forget to check out my new FREE lesson: Subscribe, learn and SHARE, please!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: beneath contempt Bankers are beneath contempt. Come on~ They’re just regular guys. Taking bonuses when their banks lose money? Well…wouldn’t you take free money?
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Thu, 16 November 2017
It's THURSDAY!! A super busy day for me--what about you? Have a super day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: A double whammy You don’t look too good. Take some vitamin C, too. Give it a double whammy! Good idea.
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Wed, 15 November 2017
FINALLY! I've been SUPER busy the past several days and have NOT been able to find the time to make a podcast...but I'm BACK! And today's expression is a VERY good one. SUPER common in daily English. Learn it and master it! And if you can, join me today at 3pm Chicago time for LME LIVE on FB, YT, Peri, VK, Twitch and We've got a SUPER dictation assignment, great music AND I will tackle some of your questions! See you later^^
Today’s English expression and dialog: Hi, Jack! How’s it going these days? Pretty good. I’m not all that busy—enjoying life. You? Oh~ I’m all but enjoying life. Work’s been tough. Oh, that’s too bad. I hope it gets better.
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Fri, 10 November 2017
TGIF! Thank god it's Friday! Your English coach,
Today’s English expression and dialog: ~ is not all that ~ Mary is such a genius! Eh~ She’s not all that bright. What? She graduated from Yale. So! So did George Bush.
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Thu, 9 November 2017
Today’s English expression and dialog: the trade-off So, if you work for us, we’ll pay you a lot of money. What’s the trade-off? You will have no time to spend it. Then…
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Wed, 8 November 2017
Do you "have it bad"? Do you know someone who "has it bad"? Tell us--we want to laugh!! Enjoy today's expression and have a SUPER DAY!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: He has got it bad~ Where’s John. He quit. WHAT? He’s the star of the team. He’s got it bad, coach. Everything’s about his new girl~ WOMEN!!!
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Tue, 7 November 2017
It's a COLD morning where I live...can you beat our temperature?! I know some places--like Texas--are HOT! How hot is it today where you live? Today's expression focuses on an adjective--a word we use to describe people we don't really like. BUT those people are fact, we've all done things that could be described as TODAY'S EXPRESSION! Have a SUPER day, everyone, and look forward to our newsletter tonight!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: to be underhanded What happened to Brian? I fired him. Why? He was so friendly to everyone. The customers loved him. He did it to build his business. He was running his own business? That’s so underhanded~
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Mon, 6 November 2017
It's the FIRST Monday in November...for me it's COLD! How cold? Colder than ICE!! How's your week starting off? Learn a GREAT verb today in our podcast--and DON'T be a victim to someone that "does" that verb!! Okay?^^ Have a super week,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to milk something Ever since he was sick, he’s been milking it. But he’s not sick anymore. I know. That was like two months ago. I know!
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Thu, 2 November 2017
The weekend is almost here! If you have someone "at your beck and call"--your weekend will be WONDERFUL! And that is today's expression, LEARN IT and LOVE IT!! But, be nice!! Have a great day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: at your beck and call Can you bring me an ice cube? I’m not at your beck and call. I know, but you were just… Go get it yourself!
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Wed, 1 November 2017
Happy November!! Do you have any special plans for this month? Tell us! Me? Thanksgiving! Check-ups... CHRISTMAS TREE shopping!! That's about it. AND...more English lessons for you all^^ Enjoy today's lesson--COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS will know this expression, but some business people should, too. Everyone else, learn the expression in the second half of the podcast! Have a great day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: WYSIWYG What’s the best type of politician? Ha! Well…a “what you see is what you get” politician would be best. What does that mean? WYSIWYG. One with no surprises. If he says something, he does it. No secrets. No lies.
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Tue, 31 October 2017
Happy Halloween! Do you believe in ghosts and goblins and headless horsemen and the Great Pumpkin? If you do, then you are probably LOVING today!! Our newsletter goes out tonight--some GREAT Halloween pictures! And it's also the final day of our OCTOBER Pre-2018 Sale. All that information in the newsletter tonight! Have a super week!
Today’s English expression and dialog: jumped me How was your hike? Not too good? I was so scared. What happened? I saw some punks. I thought they were gonna jump me.
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Mon, 30 October 2017
HAPPY Monday!! I hope your Monday has started off nicely^^ So far for me--snow! More snow--but only about an inch so far...that's enough for now! Tomorrow is Halloween--do you celebrate in your country? Also, tomorrow is the END of our PRE-2018 October Sale--did you take advantage of our amazing prices? Questions? Email us at HELP @ LetsMasterEnglish dot COM Okay--back to work for me AND you. Today's expression is super when you want to "make a compromise" with someone! Check out the podcast and have a SUPER day! Coach Shane
Today’s English expression and dialog: Split the difference You want to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon… And you want to go to Alaska… Let’s split the difference~ Chicago! Chicago it is!
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Wed, 25 October 2017
The PRE-2018 Sale has begin! Hurry--October prices are OVER in less than one week! For more information go to our FaceBook page and/or email us at HELP @ LetsMasterEnglish DOT com And, of course, do NOT forget to listen to today's excellent podcast in which you will learn two great words! Have a super week,
Today’s English expression and dialog: thingamajig Give me that…thingamajig, will you? What? For the bottom of my cup. You know~
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Tue, 24 October 2017
It's WINDY and COLD where I live on this Tuesday! What about you? Fall is quickly switching to WINTER!! My favorite season^^ We've got a great WORD to learn today and I want to hear an answer to my question at the end of the podcast, okay?! Have a SUPER Tuesday,
Today’s English expression and dialog: potluck What’s that? An apple pie. I’m taking it to Tom’s. You have to bring food to his party? It’s potluck!
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Mon, 23 October 2017
A NEW week is here--our last FULL week of October! Are you getting excited for the end of the year? You STILL have time to accomplish some of those goals you may have had on January first. It really is NEVER too late to begin. Okay--today's expression is a WORD which is SUPER useful at work, at home, at school, at the gym...EVERYWHERE! I want you to master this word--listen and master, okay?! Have a super week--don't forget, we are having an AMAZING sale starting at the END of this week--for more information, sign up for out newsletter: See you soon!
Today’s English expression and dialog: demanding What are you doing tomorrow? Cooking, cleaning…oh, I need to cut the grass, too. Why don’t you get your husband to help? He works. He comes home and expects a perfect house. Wow~ He is SO demanding.
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Fri, 20 October 2017
TGIF, everyone!! Any plans for the weekend? If you are a PIRF and/or DDM VIP student--join me tomorrow for LIVE classes! It's going to be a lot of fun helping you master English! Take a picture of what you do this weekend and send it to us--share your life in our newsletter!! Have a great weekend,
Today’s English expression and dialog: don’t get fresh with me You need to be more positive. This is a resume. What do you know? You don’t have a job. Hey! Don’t get fresh with me. I just took a class on resumes. Sorry. I’m just really nervous~
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Thu, 19 October 2017
Hi everyone! Learning English can be fun...but it can be very frustrating, too. One of the most challenging parts of English to learn...PHRASAL VERBS. If you want to understand and speak "daily English", you have to master phrasal verbs. We do that in DDM. You should join! Today I will show you four definitions of a very common phrasal verb. In our dialog, I will use three of those definitions. It's not easy...but with practice, you'll get it! Have a super day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: to make up (for) Alright. Thanks, John. I’ll make up for missing work on Friday. Call you tomorrow. Did you and John make up? Yeah. We met and had a beer last night. Good. You guys make up half our team! We need you two to be friends.
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Wed, 18 October 2017
Hello everyone! Happy WEDNESDAY^^ Join me for LME LIVE at 3pm Chicago time, okay? Today's expression is VERY useful when you have something that is TOO much (too strong, too hot, too expensive, too SOMETHING). Learn it in the podcast and start using it! Have a super day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to offset Ooh… This apartment is expensive. Yeah, but it’s so huge. And quiet. And it has a fireplace. And a garage. These things more than offset the price. We can afford it? Sure! We’ll just stop eating breakfast and lunch^^
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Mon, 16 October 2017
Hello, everyone!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: to pull the wool over someone’s eyes Sign up for DDM and PIRF classes for free! No way! There must be a hidden charge! No! 11 lessons—100% free! Don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes~~
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Fri, 13 October 2017
TGIF!!! Enjoy today's expression AND...I've given you a challenge. I hope you take on the challenge!! DO IT!!! And also, have a fantastic weekend,
Today’s English expression and dialog: ~ gets me every time Check out this video! What is it? This lion was raised by these two guys, then they set it free in Africa, and here they are meeting it again after one year. OH MY GOD!!! It gets me every time~~
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Thu, 12 October 2017
Hello! Happy THURSDAY! Have a great day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: sticks and stones may break my bones… Oh my god! Shane—you’re so skinny! And bald!! Let’s call him Baldy Bones!! Sticks and stones may break my bones… Baldy, Baldy, Baldy Bones!! But names will never hurt me.
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Wed, 11 October 2017
Happy Wednesday!! You know, some people HATE and they will never change. Even for me... I absolutely HATE "liver". Beef liver. Goose liver. Chicken liver. NOPE. No thank you. I don't like the smell, the taste, the texture...not going to eat it. Regarding people...well, there are a few politicians and celebrities that I HATE~ But I won't tell you who! Have a great day and do NOT worry about the people who HATE you!
Today’s English expression and dialog: haters gonna hate I can’t believe someone gave you a thumbs down. Eh~ Haters gonna hate. But this is education. It’s free! People are picky.
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Tue, 10 October 2017
How is your Tuesday going so far? Mine...JUST started and it's going to be a LONG day. More driving, lessons to be made and work in the garden... Ugh~ I need an extra pair of hands...TWO hands on TUEsday are not enough!! Have a SUPER day, PS. Don't forget, tonight we publish our weekly newsletter. If you don't have it, you need to sign up:
Today’s English expression and dialog: takes one to know one You cook all that food? You’re such a liar~ Pfft~ It takes one to know one. Ha! I never lie! I always tell the truth. Then why do you dye your hair?
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Mon, 9 October 2017
It's MONDAY...another week~ Make it a great can you do that? If you don't know how to make THIS week a GREAT week, then start thinking about that...what can you do? Well, for me, to start my Monday morning--I'm drinking some HIGH CAFFEINE coffee! I usually drink decaffeinated coffee, but today is a very important day and I must drive many hours for a very important doctor's I need the caffeine! And because of the caffeine, I'm TODAY'S EXPRESSION!! Learn today's expression and enjoy the lesson and MAKE this week a great week!
Today’s English expression and dialog: to be wired What is wrong with you? I’m a little wired. Too much coffee. And not enough sleep! Go take a walk. Yeah. Good idea. I’ll walk to Starbu~~ Ow!
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Fri, 6 October 2017
It's FRIDAY!! The weekend is you have any plans? I hope nothing "TODAY'S EXPRESSION"!!! Enjoy today's expression and enjoy your weekend! See you on Monday,
Today’s English expression and dialog: put a crimp in my plan Are you going to take a vacation in December? Well, I was~ What happened? I got sick in July and missed almost two weeks of work~ That put a crimp in my plan~
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Thu, 5 October 2017
How is your THURSDAY going? For's just a regular, ordinary, common, typical Thursday. I've got my podcast, a new DDM assignment to make and I will make my PIRF lesson videos, too. It's a "TODAY'S EXPRESSION" day!! But that's okay for me, because I'm a "TODAY'S EXPRESSION" guy! What about you?!! Have a very nice day, enjoy the podcast and I'll see you tomorrow!
Today’s English expression and dialog: run of the mill Where did you grow up? In a run of the mill American neighborhood. A suburb? Yep, a neighborhood of little pink houses!
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Wed, 4 October 2017
It's WEDNESDAY and that means I will be LIVE this afternoon starting around 2:45pm CHICAGO time. LME LIVE will have music and news and I'll be answering your questions, too. Join us on LMEtoday DOT com, okay?! And if you have any request songs, please put them below--if I can, I'll play them! AND, of course, don't forget to listen to Today's Expression--it's great, as always!!! See you in a few hours,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to pander Look at the idiots~ Pandering to the general public. Can you imagine those guys ever eating anything on a stick? Maybe a pure gold stick!
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Tue, 3 October 2017
It's TUESDAY...are you READY to go? Ready to work? Ready to study? Ready to be a great mom or dad? Ready to be a great friend? Ready to be a great son or daughter? Are you TODAY'S EXPRESSION? Let's DO IT!! Today's expression is great--VERY important. It's not an expression we can use "every" day, but we should REALLY try. Because if we live every day with Today's Expression, I guarantee you that YOUR LIFE will be the GREATEST. DO IT!!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: to be pumped I heard you’re moving? Yes! I am SO pumped! Where to? Up north! Maybe Alaska~
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Mon, 2 October 2017
It's MONDAY...and it's the beginning of OCTOBER!! I love you?!! The fall, for me, is an EXCELLENT time to get serious about my work--and my work is teaching and coaching English!! What's your work?
Today’s English expression and dialog: Monday-morning quarterback Did you hear about the accident on the highway? I know…20 people were hurt. The government should have fixed the roads. Hey! Quit being a Monday-morning quarterback.
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Fri, 29 September 2017
TGIF!! I hope you didn't wake up with a TODAY'S EXPRESSION like I did!! Fortunately, I don't have to go to an office!! I'll show you a picture on FB and Twitter of my TODAY'S EXPRESSION!!! Have a super weekend and share pictures of what you are doing, where you are going and what you are eating--send them to me on FB, Twitter or shane@ LetsMasterEnglish DOT com Have a great one!
Today’s English expression and dialog: a cowlick I’m leaving! Have a nice day~ Uh…did you look in the mirror? No, why? Something on my face? You have a massive cowlick!
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Thu, 28 September 2017
It's Thursday...the end of the week is almost here AND this is also the end of the month! How has your September been? Mine has been fairly good--I finished two HUGE projects that have been burdening me for months, so I'm happy! Are you doing well? I hope so. I'm TODAY'S EXPRESSION for you!! Enjoy today's podcast and have a super Thursday!
Today’s English expression and dialog: rooting for you Tomorrow’s my big interview. I’m rooting for you. Thanks. I’m really nervous~ That’s natural! You’ll do fine!
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Wed, 27 September 2017
Can you join me at 3pm Chicago today for LME LIVE? I hope so! It's free! Just like today's podcast^^ Do you have STRONG opinions? When I was younger, I didn't...but I'm not that young anymore~~ And I have noticed that my opinions have become stronger and stronger. In fact, when talking with people, I have started to "TODAY'S EXPRESSION"! What is today's expression? Check it out^^ Have a super day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to make a stand So, how do you feel about illegal immigration? Well, our country was built on immigrants. So, illegal immigration is okay? Well, I didn’t say that… This guy never makes a stand on anything~~
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Tue, 26 September 2017
It's raining and 47 degrees Fahrenheit where I live--what about where you live? And THANK YOU very much to the people who said they were coming to my house to help me move all the firewood, BUT..."today's expression"!!
Have a wonderful Tuesday, Today’s English expression and dialog: beat SMO to it I’m SO going to buy that red dress! Don’t. Why not? It’s beautiful. I’ll look so good~ Peggy already beat you to it.
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Mon, 25 September 2017
I've missed you!!! I hope you have had a great week. Busy? Me, too!! But, I am VERY happy to be back and starting our podcasts! I don't know why, but the audio quality is NOT very good...I'll be working on fixing that!
Today’s English expression and dialog: give solace to ~ Are they taking those dogs into the hospital? Yeah. Cats, too. Why? That’s so dirty~ No! They give solace to the kids who’ve been there a long time.
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Thu, 14 September 2017
800 E-CUBED PODCASTS!!! And I've got a few hundred more to go!! If you want to be REALLY nice...please leave a review in iTunes for me for this podcast! It would help a LOT and I would see it! Leave the reviews in YOUR COUNTRY in YOUR LANGUAGE (and a little English), please!! Thank you! And don't forget today's expression, too! I have been guilty of it...but not anymore!! Have a SUPER day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: pirating Did you know some guy is pirating Coach Shane’s videos? Really? Let’s GET HIM! Yeah! Boy, his lessons must be really popular! Come on! He’s the best~
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Wed, 13 September 2017
It's WEDNESDAY--that means we have LME LIVE today at 3pm Chicago. If you received my newsletter yesterday, you already have the vocabulary list so it should be an easy story!! I hope to see you then! Have a SUPER day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: bring in the big guns How do you pronounce this word? C-O-G-N-A-C. Hmm… I think it’s “kog-nac”. Really? That sounds too weird.
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Tue, 12 September 2017
Happy TUESDAY! I'm off to a slow start today because of a headache~ Ugh~~ I've had it for about three days now and it's driving me CRAZY~!! Any advice?! Have a great (pain-free) day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: tough as nails Is Jim going to the gym? Yeah. Wasn’t he in a car accident last week? Yeah. He’s tough as nails. Nothing stops him~
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Mon, 11 September 2017
It's MONDAY...let's make this a GREAT week. Regarding today's podcast--think about what "TAKES UP" your time. Also, think about "TAKING UP" something new. Two phrasal verbs for you!! Have a SUPER week,
Today’s English expression and dialog: take up (time) VS take up (SMT) Shane! I never see you anymore! Yeah, my free time is completely taken up~ With what? I took up gardening~
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Fri, 8 September 2017
TGIF! For most of us, right? But let's take a minute to send a prayer (and HELP if you can) to Mexico, the Caribbean and other places wrought with Mother Nature's power these days... You get a DOUBLE lesson today--I hope you enjoy it! Have a super weekend,
Today’s English expression and dialog: take up with VS take SMT up with Why are you taking up with those guys? They’re bad. They understand me. I’m gonna take this up with your dad. I’m 18. I can do what I want.
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Thu, 7 September 2017
If you are going to do something...DO IT 100%, right? 110%!! And that's what today's expression means--GO FOR THE GOLD! Go for victory! Go for an A. Go for the best job! Go for the best life!!! Enjoy the lesson and I'll see you tomorrow!
Today’s English expression and dialog: Go big or go home~ How’s your team this year? They’re really tough. I’m excited. Think you’ll make it to the championship? Hey! Go big or go home, right?!
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Wed, 6 September 2017
It's Wednesday...that means we have an LME LIVE show at 3pm Chicago! Can you join me? I hope so! If you can't, you can still learn a great expression--check out today's podcast and have a fantastic day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: the proof is in the pudding (the proof of the pudding is in the eating) I’ve been taking Coach Shane’s course for a year now. So, has it helped? Yes! The proof of the pudding is in my TOEFL score! Check it out~ 120?! Damn!!
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Tue, 5 September 2017
Hello everyone!! I hope your Tuesday is going terrifically!! Mine just started. I've got a HUGELY BUSY day...must stay focused!! Enjoy the podcast and I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Today’s English expression and dialog: I’m sitting on it (idea) I thought you wanted to start that new project. I’m sitting on it. Why? It’s such a good idea! Well, it’s too early. Maybe in six months.
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Fri, 1 September 2017
What is the VERY COMMON expression/saying that we use every Friday in the USA? Do you use it in your country? Learn what those sayings/expressions are AND learn a new expression/saying to refer to them!! TGIF!!! Happy September!
Today’s English expression and dialog: You know what they say~ You’re looking very healthy! Thanks. A little exercise, good sleep, good diet! I try^^ And are those apple slices? You know what they say!
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Thu, 31 August 2017
Hi everyone!! Today's expression is perfect for the situation when: What is today's expression? Listen and find out!! I'll give you the "proper" expression AND the "daily English expression"! Have a super Thursday,
Today’s English expression and dialog: Can’t make head nor tail~ Let’s watch Matrix! No, thank you. Why not? It’s such a great movie. I can’t make head nor tail of it. It’s too weird~
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Wed, 30 August 2017
It's Wednesday--join me LIVE at 3pm Chicago if you can! We'll have a news story, Q&A and even some music! Check out this podcast to find out HOW to join me. And, of course, it's all free!! Have a super day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to sweep something under the rug I can’t believe Don is getting married. Again! Number 5. And his fiancé doesn’t know. Doesn’t know she’s number 5? He swept ALL his past relationships under the rug~
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Tue, 29 August 2017
Who REALLY controls the government? The governmentS? The world? The world economy? The wars...the peace? Well...I will tell you WHO that is in today's podcast! Please pray for my safety! Have a SAFE day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: the powers that be Do you think Trump could become president? I doubt it! Why not? The powers that be wouldn’t allow it! They want someone they can control.
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Mon, 28 August 2017
Happy Monday!! I'll give you MY answer at the end of this podcast! Have a SUPER week, PS. To those struggling in Texas and elsewhere, my thoughts are with you and I hope the misery ends quickly.
Today’s English expression and dialog: sort as a VERB, NOUN and ADV Did you sort out the candies? Sort of. It’s a new sort of organization. What sort? Taste! These taste good, these are sort of good, these are bad. Why do I sort with your sort?
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Fri, 25 August 2017
TGIF!! This is the last FULL WEEKEND of August 2017. Any special plans? Me? WORK!! I have a full day of work on Saturday...on Sunday, I should probably stack firewood. Can you help me?!! Coach Shane
Today’s English expression and dialog: beach, sheet and fork (pronunciation warning~) Let’s go to the beach! Do you have a beach sheet? I did, but it ripped. That’s right. Your fork ripped it during the picnic~
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Thu, 24 August 2017
Thursday...ugh! Many people do NOT like Thursdays. Well, today I will give you one more reason to NOT like Thursdays...grammar!! YAY!!! I'm going to explain three common usages of the word "through"--as a preposition, an adverb and an adjective. HOPEFULLY you will have a good feeling for THROUGH after the podcast is...through! Have a super day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: through as an ADV, PREP and ADJ Through the front door…I’m home! You’re soaked through. I know. The rain went through my jacket. Well, this jacket is through then.
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Wed, 23 August 2017
It's the MIDDLE of the week...are you surviving? I hope so!! Today's expression is great to use WHEN someone gives you a nice compliment! It's an older expression, BUT if you say it correctly, people will love it! I know you can do it--just repeat after me!! Will you join me today at 3pm Chicago time? I will be LIVE on YouTube, Facebook and Periscope. Hopefully I'll be live on VK.COM and TWITCH, too. Of course, I'll be LIVE on LMEtoday also, but that is our internet radio station, so you won't see me, ONLY hear me. BUT, the advantage there is you ALSO you get to hear great songs!! I hope you join me later today!
Today’s English expression and dialog: Aw, shucks~ Mike, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your work. Well, it was just my job. No, sir. You did much more. You are the kindest man I know. Aw, shucks~ I’m just an average Joe~
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Tue, 22 August 2017
Happy Tuesday!! I hope you are all doing great^^ Today we will learn a GREAT phrase we use to describe regular guys and girls. Are you regular? Are you irregular?!! Me? I'm just a regular guy! Have a SUPER day and I'll talk to you tomorrow^^
Today’s English expression and dialog: an average Joe / a plain Jane How did Ryan become so powerful? It’s a mystery. He’s always been just an average Joe~ I know. Does he have lots of money? No! He’s just as poor as you and me.
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Mon, 21 August 2017
Today is a Total Solar Eclipse in the USA. Some parts of the USA will experience TOTAL darkness because the moon will completely block out the sun!! Where I live, IT'S CLOUDY!!!!! But I still hope it gets really dark...maybe I will go LIVE and share the eclipse with you guys... Would that be cool? FOLLOW me on FB and Twitter for updates!! AND, then, together, we can use Today's Expression!! Have a super day and week,
Today’s English expression and dialog: Golly! Uncle Shane!! Look at my drawing! No!! It’s a bear!!! Well, I kind of look like a bear, don’t I?!!
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Fri, 18 August 2017
It's FRIDAY!! I hope you have a wonderful night and a fantastic weekend? Special plans? Well, if your plans included going to a pub for a beer--than ABSOLUTELY you will be able to use today's expression. Actually, to use today's expression does NOT require beer...but beer helps!! Enjoy the lesson^^ TGIF,
Today’s English expression and dialog: see a man about a horse (dog) Oh no. Here comes Peter. He is SO highbrow~ Hi, guys! What’s up! Having fun? Hi, Peter. Hi, Peter. Sorry, guys, I gotta go see a man about a horse.
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Thu, 17 August 2017
Hello! I hope your Thursday is off to a nice start^^ Today we will learn two words--the words are very good to know. The words are used in a negative connotation, even though one of the words means "intellectual"!! Have a SUPER day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: highbrow Look! My new Steven Pinker book! You are so highbrow! What are you reading? Pink…who? The Pink Panther. Very lowbrow!
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Wed, 16 August 2017
Do you work for a big company? Do you think, one day in the future, that you will be at the top of the company? I hope so! YOU need today's expression! And keep up the great work!! Have a super Wednesday. If you have time, join me at 3pm Chicago for a LIVE session on FB and YT. For updates, follow me on Twitter (@coachshane) See you soon!
Today’s English expression and dialog: corporate material The company’s offering two MBA scholarships. Only for people good enough. You don’t think you’re good enough? I am NOT corporate material! I’m the copy boy~
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Tue, 15 August 2017
Happy Tuesday! Have a SUPER day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: for the lowest common denominator What are you doing? Checking out the magazines. They’re for the lowest common denominator~ Hello? Okay! I’ll stay away~~
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Mon, 14 August 2017
HAPPY MONDAY! Have a SUPER week. Raise the roof! And share the BEST of you!! Coach Shane PS. Enjoy today's expression, too!!
Today’s English expression and dialog: raise the roof Are you ready to raise the roof? Yeah! This concert is gonna be great! Here’s a song you all might know~ Sing it!!
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Fri, 11 August 2017
TGIF! Thank god it's Friday! I hope you have a fantastic weekend. I will have LIVE hangouts with my PIRF and DDM students on Saturday...and on Sunday I might go fishing!! YAY!! Have a GREAT weekend,
Today’s English expression and dialog: You know your Greeks~ Who said “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak?” Epictetus. Wow! You know your Greeks! Piece of cake!
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Thu, 10 August 2017
It's THURSDAY...the week is almost over! I hope it has been a good week for you^^ Today's expression is a bit gruesome...but people DO use I want you to know it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Have a super day and I'll see you tomorrow^^
Today’s English expression and dialog: more than one way to skin a cat I want you to study, go to college and get a good job. Dad, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. That’s the best way~ It’s not the only way~ I’m gonna be a pro gamer!
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Wed, 9 August 2017
It's WEDNESDAY! I've got a great expression for you today. Also, don't forget, we'll be LIVE on YouTube and Facebook at 3pm Chicago time today. We have a NEWS story and I'll answer a few of your questions, too! Have a SUPER day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to have a chip on your shoulder You going to Chuck’s party? No. It’s gonna be fun. Nope. You still have a chip on your shoulder~ He’s not nice to me and he thinks he’s so great.
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Tue, 8 August 2017
Happy Tuesday!! SOME of our work is pretty easy. But sometimes we have tasks that require a LOT of concentration. The task is complex, it's complicated. There are many things that need to be perfect. Have a super Tuesday,
Today’s English expression and dialog: painstaking Ugh~ Doing this dictation is painstaking. Well, yes, but it’s gonna really help. HOW? It’ll show you where your weaknesses are.
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Mon, 7 August 2017
Happy MONDAY!!! Have a SUPER Monday,
Today’s English expression and dialog: take it in stride I got another complaint today. You can’t make everyone happy. But… Hey! Don’t worry. Take it in stride!
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Fri, 4 August 2017
TGIF!! Thank god it's Friday!! Do you have special plans? TAKE PICTURES and send them to me so I can add them to our weekly newsletter: shane AT LetsMasterEnglsih DOT com! Have a "wrong-free" weekend!
Today’s English expression and dialog: Murphy’s Law Should I switch lanes? Don’t. I’m gonna. There. We should start moving faster. What? I told you! Murphy’s Law~~
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Thu, 3 August 2017
Today's expression is REALLY common in Daily English--especially during competitions and arguments! I'm guessing that you might not have many chances to USE the expression, but if you pay attention, you are go to SEE and HEAR the expression a lot! You'll learn TWO VERSIONS. The first version is the "spoken" version which is most common; the second is the internet version which is also spoken (but not as much as the first version). Enjoy the expression and have a fantastic day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to get owned (pwn/pwnd) John! You eat meat? Yeah. Why, Dave? Did you know “dumb people” are called “meatheads”? Did you know “braindead people” are called “vegetables”? Ow! Dave got owned~~
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Wed, 2 August 2017
I really like today's expression--and you will, too. PLEASE make some examples and send them to me!! If you put them on FB or Twitter, then I will see them today!! It's WEDNESDAY--can you join me at 3pm Chicago for LME LIVE? We will have a news story for you. You can build listening comprehension AND vocabulary. Today's story is great. AND IT IS FREE!!! No other English teacher or coach out there like me. Find one. Where? None. So, join me!! Again, that will be LIVE on FB and YouTube. Follow me on TWITTER (coachshane) or FB for updates! Have a SUPER Wednesday,
Today’s English expression and dialog: a big plus What’s the advantage of living in Switzerland? Well, the flag is a big plus~ No, seriously! The cheese? The food is great, but the low taxes! That’s the best!
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Tue, 1 August 2017
HAPPY AUGUST!! What's happening this month for you? School? Vacation? A business trip? For me...nothing really. Maybe I'll be able to harvest some things in my garden? I hope so!! I wish my chickens would lay some eggs...I'm hungry!! Today's expression is TOUGH to use, but I want you to know it SO IF you hear it, you'll recognize it! Have a SUPER month,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to have no call to do ~ You told my wife I went mountain climbing? Well, yeah. I thought she should know. You had NO CALL to tell my wife! But, what if you had gotten hurt? Now I’ll get hurt!! Call 911~
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Mon, 31 July 2017
Happy MONDAY!! Isn't it NICE when you do something that for you is REALLY easy, but for other people it's not so easy!! You feel good, right? Well, today I will give you a word that you can use in this situation! Have a SUPER week,
Today’s English expression and dialog: a cinch How do you edit your videos? I use Sony Vegas. I heard it’s complicated. Nah~ It’s a cinch!
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Fri, 28 July 2017
It's FRIDAY! Do you have any special plans for the weekend? If so, take some pictures and send them to me--I give you my email address at the end of today's expression. Today's expression is EXCELLENT for when you want to tell someone that they are "100% accurate"! They are SUPER PRECISE. When you use this expression, the person will feel good and they will like you and probably give you lots of money and love and make you powerful and happy... Maybe not. But they will still like to hear it!
Today’s English expression and dialog: dead on Wow. You were dead on. About what? You predicted Sally would call me. She did!! That was a cinch. She likes you!!
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Thu, 27 July 2017
Guys (and ladies who have a guy), today's expression is especially for you! It's a great expression...and most of you can probably use it. I can! Have a FANTASTIC day, everyone!
Today’s English expression and dialog: a dad bod I see you’re developing a belly. I’m working on my dad bod. Dad bod? Not too fit, not too fat. A body perfect for a dad!
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Tue, 25 July 2017
Today we will learn a phrasal verb and TWO of its most common usages. Phrasal verbs are VERY essential if you want to master Daily English. I highly recommend you join DDM if you want to really improve your knowledge, understanding and usage of phrasal verbs!! Have a SUPER day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: to dish out distribute… Sue is mad at me. Why? I told her she needed to slow down on the perfume. She does! Boy, she’s ALWAYS dishing out advice to you~ I know. She can dish it out but can’t take it.
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Mon, 24 July 2017
LAST DAY for our DDM VIP sale! ddm @ letsmasterenglish DOT com! Today's expression is an important one... Sometimes people make us REALLY mad. They lie, they cheat, they don't do their job...there are MANY ways people can make us mad! do we respond? That's the tough part. Today's expression offers ONE WAY to respond! Enjoy the podcast--it's a little long (sorry!) and have a FANTASTIC day! Coach Shane
Today’s English expression and dialog: take the high road Bob made me so mad. He tried to embarrass me. I know. Forget about it. No way. I’m gonna embarrass him in front of EVERYONE. Hey~ Take the high road. Forget about it.
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL
Thu, 20 July 2017
Sometimes we are JUST in a bad mood. We are not happy for...NO reason~ And because of that, we are sometimes not very nice. We are rude or we yell or we complain... By why? Being around a person when they feel like that is NOT fun. Sometimes moms can feel that way, bosses, kids, friends... How can we describe such a person? I'll teach you today! BE HAPPY...the weekend is almost here! And join DDM VIP!
Today’s English expression and dialog: crabby You want to have salmon? No. Not in the mood. How about…lobster? I’m not hungry~ Why are you so crabby? I’m just tired~
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Wed, 19 July 2017
It's WEDNESDAY...the middle of the week for most of us~ I've got a busy day--my busy days start on Wednesdays and end on Saturdays. I'm not too excited about today! However, at 1pm I have a LIVE class with my ActionEnglish students--that's good; and at 3pm I have LME LIVE on FB and YT--that's good, too. It's the other work that requires my FULL concentration...exhausting!! How about your Wednesday plans? Have a super day, everyone!
Today’s English expression and dialog: Chance for/Chance to/Chance of What’s the weather for tomorrow? The chance for rain is really good. That’ll give me a chance to wear my boots! And you’ll love them^^ The chance of me loving them is not so good!
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Tue, 18 July 2017
It's TUESDAY! So, I will teach you TWO great expressions. You can use these expressions when talking about someone who is SO MUCH "your best friend"! SO close, it's as though they were part of your family...even your sibling!! It's a great expression to use among friends and family^^ Have a wonderful day AND don't forget Stage Two of our DDM VIP sale. Stage Two ends on Thursday, for more info email DDM @ letsmasterenglish DOT com Your English coach,
Today’s English expression and dialog: my brother from another mother/my sister from another mister You’re what? Having a beer with who? Ron! Who’s Ron? I don’t know any Ron~ He’s my brother from another mother~
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Mon, 17 July 2017
Happy Monday!! So, since last week I have been having BIG audio problems. Why? Well, I'm in the process of upgrading my audio system so I can do our Internet Radio show LIVE ( And I needed a new component...WHICH IS CAUSING ME PROBLEMS!! Anyway, I have gone back to the old set-up for a few audio prodcasts!! It's nice to be back with good audio!! Have a SUPER day and enjoy today's podcast which is about having BLINDERS on!! If you want to avoid some arguments, put them on! Coach Shane
Today’s English expression and dialog: to have blinders on Did you see her? Who? The woman in the miniskirt? Nope. I told you—I’ve got blinders on. You better not be lying~~
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Fri, 14 July 2017
It's THE WEEKEND!! Do you have special plans? If you go someplace nice or eat something delicious, please send a picture!! shane@letsmasterenglish DOT com I would love to see AND I will share it in our next newsletter! Our newsletter? Get it free: Oh, and we are having a sale on DDM VIP now. It's a SUPER chance to join--email us for more information: ddm@letsmasterenglish DOT com And, of course, enjoy today's expression!
Today’s English expression and dialog: touch base Ron? Is that you? Jack? Long time no see! It’s been what…10 years? At least! Let’s grab a beer and touch base!
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Thu, 13 July 2017
Over the years...for most people, we start many new relationships. New friends, new coworkers, new neighbors. And the old friends and coworkers and neighbors...they start to disappear from our lives~ For me that has happened--what about you? Have a super day,
Today’s English expression and dialog: Oh, you got email from Eric. Eric? Who’s Eric? Your best friend from high school! Oh yeah! Wow~ We lost touch years ago. Yeah~ I’ve lost contact with nearly everyone, too.
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Tue, 11 July 2017
It's TUESDAY^^ I hope your Tuesday is wonderful--I'll be driving a LOT today so I'll have to drink a LOT of coffee~ Do you like to drive? I actually love it!! Enjoy today's podcast and have a super Tuesday!
Today’s English expression and dialog: e, please. Shane Peterson. S-O-N. Nope. I don’t see you here. But I’m family. Did you RSVP? For my mom’s birthday party?!
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Mon, 10 July 2017
MONDAY!!! Yes^^ Okay, be sure to master today's expression, because you'll be able to use it IMMEDIATELY!! Even with your non-English speaking friends (you will sound so smart!). Seriously! And for those of you interested in joining DDM VIP...we have an AMAZING offer right now. If you're interested, email us: ddm AT Don't miss this chance!
Today’s English expression and dialog: have at it I can’t do this. The Rubik’s Cube? It’s easy. Yeah? Have at it~ And…there. See?!
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Fri, 7 July 2017
TGIF!! I hope you are HAPPY for the weekend^^ Do you have any special plans? I would LOVE to see your pictures of what you do and where you go and what you eat! If you don't mind, I would like to share some of them in our newsletter!! Send me your pictures: shane@letsmasterenglish DOT com Today's expression is perfect for the weekend!! Listen and enjoy^^ Have a SUPER weekend!
Today’s English expression and dialog: horse around What’s all that noise? We’re playing football. In the living room? Yeah! Goal!!! Quit horsing around!
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL
Thu, 6 July 2017
Are you jealous...or are you envious? you know the difference? Even Americans get confused about how to explain the difference, but Coach Shane is a special American and he'll help you understand!! Jealousy and envy are quite similar, but jealousy includes an extra meaning that envy does NOT! And that difference will be EASY to understand if you listen to today's podcast!! Have an EXCELLENT day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: jealousy vs envy I’m jealous of you. What? Why? You’re so smart. I’m jealous. You mean you’re envious. What?
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Wed, 5 July 2017
It's the MIDDLE of the week...a tough time for a lot of people. But hey, we know the expression: WORK HARD, PLAY HARD, right? I believe in that. When I work--boom, I work. I focus. I get stuff done. And when work is finished--I COMPLETELY do NOT work! I do MY thing! That is my definition of "work hard, play hard". Today's expression is perfect for when you "work hard"! Master the expression and USE IT! Have a super July!
Today’s English expression and dialog: no-nonsense What makes DDM a good class? It’s a no-nonsense English class. It’s straight to work. Oh. Sounds tough~ Well, it’s no-nonsense! But it is fun^^
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |
Tue, 4 July 2017
Happy Independence Day, USA!!! It's the USA's birthday! I'm very proud--my family took part in the Revolutionary War that began 241 years ago! Today we celebrate with delicious food and fireworks!! But...why not study a little English, too?! Today I have three expressions that mean the same thing--one of them is "really American" and one of them is "really proper"! Enjoy the lesson, enjoy the day!
Today’s English expression and dialog: What do you got? Pizza’s 15 bucks! What do you got? 2 bucks. What have you got? One dollar and six cents. And what do you have? Alls I got is a nickel~
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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LME #LearnEnglish #ESL |