Daily Easy English Expression Podcast

Today’s expression and dialog: to breathe over someone’s shoulder

Tim is constantly breathing over your shoulder!

I know. He’s really nervous about the report.

How’s it going?

It’s almost finished.

  The NICEST thing about working for you all is...I have NOBODY watching me as I work!! I am my own boss! I don't have anyone checking my work...it's really nice!! When I worked at a language institute, my bosses ALWAYS checked my numbers--how many students did I have today, how many yesterday, why the difference, what did I teach, what did the students like, will the students register again the next month...ARGH!!!

It was NOT very nice...but I do understand that a business can only survive if it has "good numbers". Well, I really ENJOY the freedom! Thank you!! Oh, today's expression? It's about my old bosses and teachers and my mom and others! Maybe yours, too!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 454_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:13am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: crucial


Cake! I’m gonna share it with Rex!


It’s crucial that you don’t let Rex eat this cake.


Why not? He loves all desserts.

But this is chocolate. Chocolate can kill dogs.


What is a word that means "REALLY SUPER ULTRA IMPORTANT"? Well, today I will teach you that word! It's a very good word to use. And if you love dogs, it is REALLY SUPER ULTRA IMPORTANT that you listen to today's podcast!

Let me give you an assignment...can you think of something that is REALLY SUPER ULTRA IMPORTANT? It could be about anything. If you can think of something, share it! Tell us! BUT...you must use the word that I teach you in the podcast, okay?

Have a SUPER Saturday,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 453_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:18am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: coming along


How’s the homework coming along?


It’s almost done.


It has to be done before you meet your friends.

Don’t worry. It’ll be done.


Another GREAT phrasal verb to learn today. One of the most important things you can do, in order to master "daily English", is to master phrasal verbs. HOW can you master phrasal verbs? Use them. You need to practice. The best way to practice is "LIVE" with a coach. Did you know that my PIRF and DDM students now have FOUR LIVE coaches?!! That's right--and every week we help them MASTER their English. It's a lot of fun and if you are NOT a member...what are you waiting for?!!


Have a super day,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:48am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: I need to get out more

What’s the last movie you saw?

In a theater? Um…oh! The Titanic. Great movie.

What? That was over 15-20 years ago.

Yeah… I need to get out more~


I go outside every day. BUT...I rarely do anything "fun". I don't go to movies, I don't go to shows, I don't go bowling, I don't go to watch baseball, I don't go to shopping malls...what else is "fun"? WHY don't I have "fun"? Well...I'll tell you in this podcast!!


Have a super day!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 451_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:24am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: like-minded


You guys make great business partners.


You wanna know the secret?



We’re like-minded. That’s so important.


In a relationship, business relations and/or personal relationships, do you want your partner to be LIKE you or DIFFERENT from you? They say "opposites attract"...but do opposites make good partners?

Think about your relationships right now...think about your past relationships. In today's podcast I teach you a great word but I also give you my philosophy on relationships!!! Of course, my experience in relationships is TERRIBLE to my philosophy is probably worthless...BUT, I want you to listen and then share YOUR opinion! Okay? Thanks^^


Have a super day,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 450_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:13am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Some t-shirt, huh? 


Oh, I’m full!


Me, too! Some dinner, huh?


When it comes to cooking, mom’s the best.

Yes! Thanks, mom^^


Basic English: (you hear a song you like)

Oh, that's a nice song.

I like that song. 

That's a good song.

(you read a book and like it)

This is a great what.

I love this book.


I'm guessing that for all of you, those sentences are pretty easy, right? I hope so. It's basic English--and it's great English. There is NOTHING wrong with those sentences. BUT...there are more ways to say that you like something, so today I will UPGRADE your English!! Also...what about the OPPOSITE situation...you do NOT like something... Don't worry, I will teach you that expression, too! All in ONE podcast. All for free!! Isn't this podcast great?!!


Have a SUPER week,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 449_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:42am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be on thin ice

Where are you?

I’m still at work.

It’s 9pm!

I came in late two days in a row. I’m on thin ice here~


Today's expression is great for both men and women...but my story is for the guys. Men, do you have a girlfriend or a wife? When's her birthday? When is "your anniversary"? What is her favorite color? What restaurant does she like? What is her favorite birthday meal? Does she like flowers? What kind? 

Oh, there are many more questions I could ask...but those questions are "fundamental questions" that every man MUST know if he wants to maintain a "healthy relationship". If you do not know the answer to any of those questions...you are "in a VERY dangerous situation". Your lady might kill you...learn today's expression, learn the answer to those questions...and stay alive!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 448_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:45am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Duh~


So, you have an online business?


Yes. I teach online.


Oh. So, you use a computer?



I remember a long time ago when I met a guy from Denmark, I asked him, "What language do you speak in Denmark?"

Oh...I was SUCH AN IDIOT!! He looked at me like I was an idiot! And he said, "Danish!"

"Oh, of course." I replied...I was very embarrassed for asking such a silly question!

Sometimes people ask REALLY obvious questions and sometimes people say REALLY silly/stupid things! In these situations, we have a GREAT English word to use--when we use that word we are saying "YOU are SO stupid" or "I am SO stupid!"  Listen to the podcast and master this important word!! Oh, and do NOT use this expression to your boss or your teacher!!


Have a great Sunday!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 447_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:25am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to catch up


What else we need?


Ketchup. You go down that aisle. I’ll catch up with you in a minute.


But I don’t know what kind of ketchup to buy.

Organic!! Duh~~


Well, as you know, I was sick for about two weeks. During that time, I missed many classes and was late with some videos. BUT...finally, I have done everything! My schedule is back to normal. I have "CAUGHT UP". Today we are going to learn the phrasal verb "to catch up". Of course, the past tense would be "caught up". It is VERY useful. We use this verb in SO many situations...but the nuance (meaning) is always the same. Please enjoy the podcast and start using this excellent phrasal verb in YOUR daily conversation!! Don't forget, you can ALWAYS tweet me your example sentences on TWITTER--@coachshane! Have a great Saturday!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 446_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:14am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to catch a movie/game


Yo, Pete, what’s up this weekend?


Not much!      


You wanna go catch a game?

Sounds great! How about tomorrow?

 It's the weekend!! Do you have any special plans? You know what I wish? I wish I lived near a town that had a professional baseball team. If I did, I would DEFINITELY go watch a live baseball game! Maybe next year I will have that chance!! I promise, if I go to a game, I will take you with me? How? On Twitter--they have LIVE VIDEO so we can watch the game together!! Wouldn't that be great?

What about you? I know some of you would rather watch a movie than go to a game, right? Well, today I will teach you a VERB that you can use in BOTH situations--watching a movie AND watching a game!


Have a SUPER weekend,

Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 445_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:22am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be tied up with something


You wanna go watch a movie?


I’d like to, but can’t.


Maybe tomorrow?

I don’t think I’ll be able to. I’m really tied up with work these days.


Well, my HEALTH is now at 98%!! I'm almost fully recovered. I guess it is taking so long because I am old!!! ANYWAY~~ being sick for two weeks AND having your own business is NOT a good thing. I was not able to do ANYTHING for almost two weeks, so now I am SUPER busy trying to do all of my classes. When you are SUPER BUSY, we use a very nice expression that I will teach you in today's podcast! And, I want YOU to talk to me. I know that you are super busy, too. So, use today's expression and tell me What you are super busy with! Okay? I'd love to hear from you!


Have a great day...and remember, busy people become successful people if they don't complain! DO IT!!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 444_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:10am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: gibberish  


So, how is Shane’s DDM class?


Well, the news stories are pretty easy, but that situation comedy~ Ugh! A bunch of gibberish!


Well, situation comedies give you real, daily English. Study hard.

I know~ I won’t give up!


I remember when I first heard Korean. I was on a bus and the driver was talking to another driver. OH MY GOD. It was SUCH a foreign language! I couldn't understand ANYTHING!! I mean, if someone spoke German or French, I could occasionally understand 1 or 2 words, but not Korean. A complete mystery!!

The same thing happened in college. I was taking a Calculus course. The professor, on the first day, spoke in a language that I recognized was similar to English, but what the hell he was saying...a complete mystery. I received my LOWEST grade in my life. Because of that course and that professor, I am DEATHLY afraid of MATH!



What word can we use in both situations? Find out TODAY!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 443_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:23am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to leg it


How are you getting to the game?


I’ll leg it.


It’s 3 miles!

So? The weather’s perfect for a nice walk.


I missed you all!!! I was very sick--I had a "kidney stone" and it was causing me GREAT pain...but I'm almost back to 100%! It was a terrible thing and I hope NONE of you EVER have to experience a kidney stone.


Today's expression is a fun one...it's an expression that shows you are TOUGH!! Are you tough? Prove it^^


Have a super week and I'll do my best to be "kidney-stone-free" for the rest of my life!!!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 442_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:32am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a hodgepodge


Mm! Something smells good.


It’s just a hodgepodge of leftovers.


Is it ready? I’m starving.

In about 30 minutes.


If you were to see my music collection...you would probably say "What in the world is this?!!"


You would find American rock and roll, country, punk, jazz, soul, rap. You'd find classical music. There would be lots of foreign music, too--Korean, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Mexican (yes, it's different from Spanish music!), Ghanaian, Arabic, Indian. I've even got music from Australia and Ireland! And Indonesia. It's a VERY "messy mixture" of great music from everywhere. And I like it all! It's all MINE!!!

But what is a good word that we could use that would describe my music collection? Well, you'll learn that in today's podcast! 

Have a super week,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 441_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:15am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: midnight snack


What are you doing?


Hiding the leftover steak.



I want it for my midnight snack tonight. Don’t tell dad.

 When you go to sleep do you wake up? Or are you a heavy sleeper. Me--I'm a heavy sleeper. NOTHING wakes me up. Storms, sirens, fights, screaming cats...nothing. But my dad--he's different.


A secret: my dad wakes up in the middle of the night because...he gets HUNGRY!!! He wakes up to eat!! Actually, a lot of people do this. Now my dad does not eat a meal...he only eats ice cream or cookies or cake! And we have a great expression for this STRANGE behavior--I'll teach you that in today's podcast!


Sleep well!

Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 440_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:06am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: leftovers


You want me to throw this out?


No. Put it in the fridge.


Who’s gonna eat leftovers?

I will!


Do you like pizza? I do! But, when I make a pizza OR when I buy a pizza, I always make an extra one. Why? Because I'm a pig? Because I eat pizza like monkeys eat bananas? No!! Because I like to eat fresh pizza...but I REALLY like to eat day-old pizza. Even two-day-old pizza! And, not only pizza, other foods, too! I LOVE food that has been cooked, served and then put in the refrigerator and THEN served AGAIN!! What do you call that kind of food? I'll tell you in today's podcast! 


Have a SUPER day!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 439_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: great shot


Check out this picture.


Wow! Who took it?


I did.

Really? Great shot!


A very common expression in sports--sports that involve GOALS or BASKETS or hitting a TARGET--is "Great shot!" It means that the player/athlete "kicked the ball" perfectly into the target. But...even NON-ATHLETES can use this expression...IF they have a camera!


Nowadays it seems that everyone has a camera on their cellphone, and they use it! And sometimes the pictures people take are UNBELIEVABLE! They're great. They're...great shots!! Please share you "great shots" with me and I will share them with our ENTIRE community!


Have a super week,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 438_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:01am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to scoff at


What do you think of my new suit?




Don’t scoff at this! It cost $500!

What? It looks like it’s from the dollar store!


Today we have a great expression that you can use if someone THINKS what you said was silly or stupid or ridiculous! 


Believe it or not, sometimes I say stupid things! I know, you probably think I'm nearly perfect. That I have an IQ of around 150. That leaders around the world seek my advice on Policies for Peace. That I am the English coach for movie and rock stars ALL OVER THE WORLD. That Hollywood studios are constantly calling me begging me to act in their latest films.


Well, yes, those things MIGHT be true...but really, I'm just a regular guy. Just like you. No different than you. 



If you thought ANY of the things I mentioned were stupid, listen to today's podcast!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 437_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:48am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to tank


Hey! How’s your English studying going?


Ugh~ My motivation has tanked.


Why? Keep going!

But sometimes it’s so hard. I don’t think I’m progressing~


When you are studying English, I hope you NEVER "tank".


Yes!! We can use "tank" as a verb! Find out how to use this excellent daily English expression in today's podcast! The new week is about to start, so you DEFINITELY need to take care of yourself so you do not TANK!!!


Happy Sunday!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 436_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:43am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: I got a beef with you.


Hey! I’ve got a beef with you.


What? What did I do?


You used my cell phone without asking.

Oh, hey, man! Sorry about that. It was an emergency~


Sometimes people do stupid things. And sometimes those stupid things make us really mad.


I was playing my favorite CD and my friend asked if he could borrow it. I told him that it was my favorite CD. He said, "Just for a few days. I'll return it next week."  

I finally said okay.

The next week came...nothing.

Two weeks. Nothing. I called him. "Hey! Where's my CD?"

"Oh, Shane! Sorry. I'll get it back to you. Don't worry! It's really great!"

After two more weeks I finally went to HIS HOUSE! 


I was really mad! If he liked the CD so much, he should have bought it! When you are REALLY mad at your friend for doing something stupid, use today's expression!


Have a NICE day,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 435_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:27am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: What is he to you?


I really hate John.


He’s not that bad.


What? What is he to you?

Well, actually he’s my sister’s boyfriend.


It's FRIDAY!! I hope that you have nice plans for the weekend! Family? Friends? Work???? Me? I'm busiest on the weekends--my "rest" day is Monday! 

Today's expression is ready for you! As always, I hope you do some extra "google searching" to find more examples! I'd love to hear/read them!

At the end of today's podcast I tell you about our FREE audio book club. We'd love to have you join us! 

Have a super day! TGIF!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 434_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:14am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: do my darndest


How’d Timmy do yesterday?


He struck out the one time he was at bat.


Aw. That’s too bad.

I know. He did his darndest, though!


If you REALLY want to do it, you can. If you REALLY want to be the best, you can! If you REALLY believe it, it'll come true!!!


Nope. Not true for most people. It's NOT!!!! Don't be mad at me~~ There is ALWAYS someone better. Always. 


HOWEVER, we need to know, it is NOT winning, it's HOW YOU PLAY. It's not being first, it's doing your best. If you really do your best, if you consistently do your best, if you really want to do your best...then no one will be better than you. YOU did your best. You are not HIM or HER. You are YOU. Do your best, and you ARE the best. 


Life is simple. Make life the best that you can make it. That's all. Enjoy today's expression^^



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 433_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:25am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to give props to someone  


I really love your newsletter.


It’s great, isn’t it?     


Yes! It’s looks good. It’s easy to read! It’s perfect.

I gotta give props to Parmy! He did it all!


Sometimes people say THANK YOU to us, but we do not deserve it. For example, I brought a cake over to the neighbor yesterday. The neighbor, an 80 year old grandmother, was SO happy. She said "thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"  And I said, "You're welcome!" And then I went home.

An hour later my mother called me. She asked, "Did you give the cake to your neighbor?"

Yes, mom.

Did she like it.

Yes, mom.

Did you tell her I made it?

No, mom!

SHANE!!! You are SO bad!! You need to GIVE PROPER RESPECT to people who deserve it!!"


My mom is right. So, in today's expression, I'll teach you HOW to do that in English!


Have a super day,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: bossy


How’s your new boss?


She’s okay, but she’s…bossy!


Doesn’t leave you alone?

Constantly telling us what to do!


Are you a boss? At work? In your home? At school? Among your friends?  Among your family? Online? With your kids? In each of those situations, who's the boss?


Is being the boss good or bad? If you ask me...being the boss is GREAT!! You can tell EVERYONE what to do, how to do it, when to do it, where to do it. And you NEVER have to say WHY!!!!! Right? RIght? Right?


No? Well, believe me, there are MANY people who think that is right!! So, how can we describe those people? I will tell you in today's podcast!


Enjoy your week and Let's Master English!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 1:41am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Go out on a limb…


What’s your name?




I’m gonna go out on a limb here…are you Russian?



So...WHO is my average podcast listener? This is tough to guess...


But I will try:


Age: 32-37

Sex: Male

Job: Work full-time

Status: Married with kids

English level: High intermediate

Education: College +


I know, many of you are younger and single and still students. Many of you are women. BUT...I'm guess that the person described above is my "average listener". That's who I imagine when I make me recordings. BUT...I am only assuming!! And it is DANGEROUS to ASSUME! That's why I will talk about in this podcast--please listen carefully. 


ALSO, please tell me WHO YOU ARE!! I want to know WHO my "average listener" is^^


Have a super week!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:51am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to plug in


I’m getting fat.


You need to plug in an hour a day of exercise.


Ugh… I’m too lazy.

Then enjoy your fatness!


Do you have a busy schedule? I'm sure you do. BUT, thank you for taking the extra time to study some English with me. As you might guess, my schedule is very tight, too. But...there is always something I do my best to do...exercise. Not SUPERMAN style~ I just like hiking and/or walking. I like other kinds of exercise, too, but it's TOO hot! 


So, when we have a BUSY schedule, but we really need to ADD something to our schedule, we can use today's expression. Today's expression will be easy to remember because we ALSO use it with our cell phone and our computer and pretty much every electronic thing we own!! Check it out^^


Have a great Sunday,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:45am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to cuddle


You two seem so happy!


We are! There’s a secret.


Oh, tell me!

Cuddle. The more you cuddle, the happier you are.


In today's podcast I will teach you a secret to feel happy. It's a really good secret! Actually, it's not a big secret...but it's still really important!


And I just wanted to thank you ALL for listening to my podcasts. YOU make me feel happy every day. I love reading your comments, but I know most of you are too busy to leave a message...please, just keep listening. I promise to produce at least 1000 podcasts! Then I'll probably take a break unless I can hire some people to help me out!!


Have a super weekend,

Your English coach,




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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:24am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: take cover


The boss is coming. Take cover.


Is he in a bad mood again?


You didn’t hear? Someone broke his coffee cup.

His “Best Boss in the World” cup? Ha~~


Sometimes we do something...something not good. Or maybe we just forget to do something...something that was important for somebody else. And when that happens, that "somebody else" can get REALLY angry.

At the office, you were supposed to meet with a very important client at 2pm. But...it's 4pm and you JUST REMEMBERED~~~  Your boss will KILL YOU when they find out.

You promise your wife to take out the smelly garbage...but you forgot. Later you see your wife coming at you with EYES FROM THE DEVIL...you then remember the garbage~~~~ 


In those situations, I have the perfect expression for you^^ Be careful and have a nice Friday! TGIF!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 8:24am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: minute


Look at that car. If I had the money…


That’s pretty nice, huh?


What are the chances I’ll win the lottery?



What are the chances it will rain tomorrow? (Remember, I live in the desert. The average temperature in July is 41 degrees.)

As you may know, my hair is falling out. What are the chances that my hair will start growing again?!!

What are the chances I will live to be 122 years old?

What are the chances I will be able to visit the moon?

What are the chances that I will become richer than Bill Gates?


Never say never, right? Yes, that may be true...but REALISTICALLY!!! The answer to all of those questions is ZERO!! But...there is a tiny chance! So, in today's expression I will teach you the perfect word!! 


Enjoy and HAPPY JULY!!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:05am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: look no further


Where can I find a woman who doesn’t care about money, appearance or background?


Look no further!!


No! I’m serious!


Me, too.



When your boss is LOOKING FOR the perfect person for a special job, use today's expression.

When that woman or man of your dreams says, "Where is the perfect match for me?", use today's expression.

When Coach Shane says he's looking for someone to paint his apartment, use today's expression!!


It's a really great expression. Oh, and by the way, when I hear students say, "Where can I find English lessons that are NOT boring?" I use today's expression and then I tell them to go to my website!!


Have a fantastic day,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:17am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: you snooze, you lose


Ugh~ Twitter's stock is up 10%.


You didn't buy?


No, I wasn't sure.

You snooze, you lose!


When an opportunity comes to you, do you TAKE IT right away? Or do you think about it? Are you cautious? Do you do research? ...do you miss it?


I used to say YES to everything...that caused problems. Then I started saying NO to everything...more problems. Now, I'm doing something different...I talk about my new strategy in today's podcast. Oh, and you'll learn a REALLY EXCELLENT expression to use, too!!


Have a super week, everyone^^


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 5:03am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a slew of something


What are you doing?


Watching Coach Shane's videos.


Does he have a lot?

A slew!! Hundreds of videos! All free!


I don't buy fruit that often because it's kind of expensive. BUT, sometimes they have a great sale so I buy a SLEW of fruit!! Tons of fruit! If apples are on sale, I'll by 10! Grapes? 4 bunches! Bananas? 2 bunches! Blue berries? 4 packs!! Whatever is on sale, I'll buy a SLEW!!


Do you see today's expression? It's a great word! Listen to the podcast, see how you can use it, and then send me a message!!


Have a super week^^


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 1:59am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: in a heartbeat


I hate my job.


Google's hiring.


Oh, I'd take a job there in a heartbeat.

Yeah, but would they take you?


What are some things that you would do WITHOUT any hesitation. If someone asked you, "Do you want to ~?" You would IMMEDIATELY say "YES!!!"

Would you like to travel the world for one month free?

Would you like to play basketball with Michael Jordan?

Would you like to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro?

Would you like to be served tea on the London Eye?

Would you like to ride horses on the Mongolian Steppe?

Would you like to fly First Class from Paris to New York?

Would you like to have lunch with Stephen Hawking?

Would you like to be a guest on the International Space Station?


If you say "YES!!" to any of these questions, then you can use Today's Expression instead! Enjoy it^^



Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 2:56am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: don’t jump the gun


My garden is ruined.


I told you not to jump the gun.


But it was so warm last week.

Yeah! And snow this week!


One day several years ago when I was teaching English in Korea, my boss was giving out awards to the best teachers. I had been at the school for many years and I was quite certain that I was going to receive an award! Yep, this is what my boss said...


And now it's time for the Teacher of the Year Award. Mr. Shane Peterson... (I stood up and bowed to everyone! I was saying "Thank you! Thank you...") And my boss continued...

No, no. Shane, I want you to come up here and give the award to Mr. Thomas! He is our Teacher of the Year!


I WAS SO EMBARRASSED! I completely ASSUMED something, and when we assume, we must be VERY careful. I needed today's expression! Check it out^^



Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:29am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: creep me out


Robots creep me out.


I love robots! Spiders creep me out.


But you can kill a spider! A robot could kill you!!

Hmm… Good point!


Do you like insects? Bugs? Do you like spiders? Cockroaches? 

I HATE THEM. I don't know why, but they are REALLY gross to me~ Oh, I can kill them--but I really hate them. I wish they would never bother me--then I wouldn't have to kill them.

How would you describe the way a cockroach or a spider moves? Well, one way is to say "they creep". And THAT word, "creep", is also related to today's expression!! It's a VERY useful expression the we can all use. I hope that you leave some examples today, okay?




Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 5:45am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: clear your head


Where are you going?


I’m too stressed out. I need to clear my head.


Will you be back?

After a while~


Before I get down to SERIOUS work, I like to ****.

If I get really angry, I need to ****.

If my stress level gets too high, I always go ****.


In each of those **** places, we can put today's expression! It's a great one--one that we all need! Have  a super Thursday!



Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:43am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: What’s your take?


What’s your take on recycling?


It’s essential.      


How’s America’s recycling?

Where I live—it’s horrible.


What about in your country? Right now in America, there are SO many big issues that people are talking about. SO many~

Gun rights.

Gay marriage.


The new trade bill.

Global warming.


Confederate flags.



Wow...do you have an opinion on any of those issues? Many of them are VERY controversial issues...it's hard to NOT get emotional about some of them.  If you want to know someone's opinion on any of those issues, you can use the expression I teach in today's podcast--it's super useful and very casual. 

Remember, having an opinion is excellent, but that doesn't me you are right or the other person is wrong!


Have a super day,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 7:16am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: give me some feedback  

Would you have a look at my resume?


I need some feedback.

No problem. Send me an email.


So...do you like my videos? My podcasts? Do you like my lessons? Do you have some advice? Do you have any opinions? 

Is there something you would like me to cover? Is there something you would like me to teach?

Do you want more DailyDictation lessons? More LME podcasts? More CoachShanesESL videos? More PronounceItRight videos? More English/Korean videos?

What about grammar classes? What about REAL BASIC LEVEL English? What about Job Interviews and School Interviews in English? What about English resumes? What about FNL? What about LIVE classes with me?


GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK! And, if you want, I will do all of that stuff for you...but it's gonna take some help on your part! Please listen to the entire podcast!



Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: all that jazz


How’s DDM?


It’s a lot of fun. Never boring.


What do you learn?

Pronunciation, how to speak, how to listen, all that jazz!


If you want to start a new sport or a new hobby, there is a LOT to do. You have to spend time and money to enjoy most hobbies. If you want to enjoy fishing in the US, you need to: buy a fishing license, buy a fishing pole and reel, buy fishing line, buy hooks and other tackle, buy bait. Then you have to find a place to fish. You might need to buy a boat. Mosquito spray! SO many things! But, can we make that list shorter by using a simple English expression? Yes! I'll teach you a great expression which is fun to say & use in today's podcast.

Thank you SO much for listening to my podcast--you can listen and download ALL of them at my website: www.letsmasterenglish.com!



Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 1:34am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: before my time

I heard you like Al Green!

Yeah, so?

Isn’t that a little before your time?

It is, but his music is timeless.


Some of my favorite movies... Ghostbusters, Rambo, Big...Oh, those were some excellent movies, right? What? You never heard of those movies? 

HOW can you NOT KNOW those movies???

Well, if you do not know those movies, then you need to learn today's expression!! Please listen, share, enjoy, come back tomorrow and have a SUPER weekend!!



Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 2:38am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to dump on someone


Shane, you’re NOT gonna believe what happened to me.


Sorry. Don’t dump on me now, I’m busy.


What? But you’re my boyfriend.

Right. I’m your boyfriend, not your psychiatrist.


I try to be a good friend...but one thing that I am NOT very good at is listening to my friends cry and complain and worry and hate... Listening to another person's drama...it's too much! I have my own problems~ Right? What about you? 

However, IF you are in a relationship, then you have to listen to your partner's worries and sad stories and horror stories and tragedies and dilemmas and...EVERYTHING~  

So, to "tell someone ALL of your emotional stories" is what we will learn today~ It's a phrasal verb and I think you will easily understand it! If you don't, then you can TELL ME HOW HORRIBLE today's expression is!!!


Have a super weekend,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:43am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a slow jam

What’s your favorite slow jam?

Oh…so many. Um, Let’s Stay Together.

By who?

Al Green. It’s a classic.




Jam is something we put on bread...strawberry jam! I love it^^ What's your favorite jam? 


But what about..."to jam"? A verb! Well, one meaning of "to jam" is "to make music". When I hear "to jam", I think of rock musicians making music--loud music! Lot's of guitars, great drums and screaming voices!! I used to love it. But as I mature~~ I tend to like "slow jams" a bit more. What's a slow jam? I'll tell you in this podcast. AND, I'll tell you one of my favorite slow jams, too. I hope you make the effort and look up my favorite slow jam on YouTube. If you do, tell me if you like or not!!


Have a super FRIDAY~~ TGIF!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:26am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: put your best foot forward


My first day is tomorrow.


Well, put your best foot forward!


I’ll do my best.

I’m sure you’ll do just fine!


Do you like to start new things? As I get older, I do NOT like to start new things until I am COMPLETELY ready! When I was young, I was always eager to start something new! That's not always a good thing. There are actually MANY things that I want to do--I want to add classes, start my other podcast again, have LIVE hangouts, write more blogs, work with other teachers...but it's impossible. I need to have people working for me. I need to hire people!! 

But, when I do start something, I always start with GREAT ENERGY, GREAT HOPE, and GREAT PREPARATION! How can we say all three of those things in one simple expression? I'll teach you in today's podcast!


Have a great day,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 1:26am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to crack someone up


George cracks me up.


He’s such a selfish person!


I know. That’s what’s so funny.

Well, I think he’s a jerk.


Do you smile a lot? Do you laugh a lot? If so, then people are probably very comfortable around you! But...if you smile too much or laugh too loud...people might not like that!! Then there is the person who NEVER smiles and NEVER laughs. Did you ever try to tell that person a joke? It's no fun! Did you ever try to tickle that person...it can be dangerous! That person's face is SOLID. It doesn't move. It would take an EARTHQUAKE to break apart their lips into a smile!!! For a person like me, it doesn't take any effort to break apart my lips into a smile! What does it take to "CRACK YOU UP"? That's today's English expression--a great phrasal verb!


Have a day full of smiles ^^


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 2:06am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: 



So, did you get his autograph?

No! What a jerk!

What happened?

He said he only gives autographs at movie screenings. 


Sorry!! Wrong text!! The previous text was for my YouTube video~~~ I'm SORRY!!


Today we learn a word to describe a guy that is being TOO selfish and/or stupid!! We all know one of these guys...or two!!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 410_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:53am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: savvy


Do you use coupons when you shop?




Do you look for sales?


No. I just go and buy.

You are NOT a savvy shopper!


Today's expression is SAVVY! It is a SUPER common word that you NEED TO KNOW! I give you several examples in this podcast...but remember, if you REALLY want to learn English, you need to use it. You have to use the expressions that we learn and practice every day. English is like a muscle, if you exercise it, you will be strong and get stronger. If you don't you will lose it! That's why you need me, Coach Shane!! So, after you listen to today's podcast, leave me a message on Twitter (@coachshane) or on Facebook (eslcoachshane) or on our Let's Master English Google Community OR on our website (www.letsmasterenglish.com).  I want you to SHARE your learning!!!


Have a super week,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 2:58am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to take a dump


Where’s Pete?


He’s taking a dump.


Excuse me?

Erm, excuse me~ He’ll be back in a few minutes.


There are SO many English expressions--some are nice, some are not. But...if you want to master the language, we should know as many as possible!! Why learn "bad" expressions? So that we know NOT to use them^^ 


 Today we will learn an expression that I do NOT recommend you use~ This is an expression that you will hear IF you watch American movies, if you read American novels...but it is not a "nice" expression. It is "to take a dump". We use it for people and pets. I tell you HOW to use it and WHY we use the word "dump"! 


Have a very nice day!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 408_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:09am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: writer’s block

I’ve got writer’s block.

What are you writing?

Dialogs for E-cubed.

Why don’t you…


When was the last time you wrote a letter? I mean, a letter to your grandma or your parents or your children? Texting and phone calls are so easy and so inexpensive, but...don't you think letters are so much nicer?! The last time I wrote a big letter was YEARS ago--I need to do that. However, I do write shorter letters--especially on birthdays or Mother's Day or Father's Day. Today I was thinking about what to write on the card I bought for my father--Father's Day is coming up soon. And as I was thinking...I couldn't think of ANYTHING smart to say! This happens--you WANT to write something good or nice or smart, but your BRAIN FREEZES!! Learn about this in today's podcast!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 407_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:59am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a can-do attitude


English is so hard~


Come on! It’s not that bad.


It is. I don’t wanna study English~

Hey! You need to have a can-do attitude.


Do have any goals? Any dreams? I hope you do. Are your dreams "realistic" or are the a bit "crazy"?!! If one of your dreams is to get a perfect score on the TOEFL or IELTS...well, it's not very realistic. It's possible--but to be honest, most native English speakers wouldn't be able to get a perfect score! We need to have "realistic" goals. If your goal is to "be able to watch American TV shows without subtitles"...THAT is a very realistic goal! You can do it. Will it be easy? NO! Will you have difficult days/weeks/months? YES! Will you give up? You had better not. You need to have something important...what is it? I will teach you in today's podcast!


Have a super FRIDAY,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 406_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to bail on somebody

Is Jim helping you with your English?

He bailed on me.

What happened?

As soon as we started, his girlfriend called.


Did you ever make a promise to help someone, but at the last minute CANCEL? It happens. We're human! Can you remember a time when YOUR friend canceled on you? I can. My friend Eric promised he would pick me up at 7 on Friday night and take me to a local football game. I was excited. I didn't know the local players and he was going to be able to tell me who was good and who was bad. I was REALLY excited. He arrived at my house at about 6pm. And then...his girlfriend called. "Do you want to go watch a movie with me? I'm bored. I miss you. I want to be with you~" Ugh~ He believed her! He went to her! He left me! All alone. No football. Nothing... Yeah, he BAILED ON me!! Learn that expression in today's podcast!!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:20am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: no strings attached


Did you sign up for the free DDM lessons?


No. He’s just trying to sell his classes.


Well, yeah, but the 8 lessons are free!


No strings attached?



A few days ago I signed up for an online course--it said: Sign up for 5 free video classes on "how to improve your internet marketing". Well, I signed up and they sent me one free video and it was okay...problem, it didn't really teach me anything. It was exciting, but...no real lesson. In order to get the next video, I had to answer three easy questions~~~  I did. The video, a little less okay. In order to get the third video, I needed to give my opinion on something...and SO ON and SO ON! It was ridiculous. I gave up. It wasn't worth my time. There were TOO MANY requirements. Yes, it was free, but not really! UGH~ What can we say in this situation? I'll tell you!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 404_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:21am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to put it bluntly


Have some of this!


What’s this tea in a bowl?


It’s soup! How is it? Be honest.

Well, to put it bluntly…it’s flavorless.


Does your mom cook? Is she good? My mom makes some really tasty dishes. My favorites are her spaghetti, goulash, beef stew, turkey and chicken...hmm-mm! Delicious. But...there have been meals that were not "really delicious"...but...am I allowed to tell her? Do I always have to say only nice things...can I be REALLY HONEST and explain what I didn't like about a particular meal that she made? Help me! What should I do?!! And...being REALLY HONEST...what is the expression that Americans would commonly use in this situation? I'll tell you in today's podcast! I hope you listen and use it! Use it on me!!


Have a super day,


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 403_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:48am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: (place) is a dump


Let’s go eat at Earl’s Restaurant.


No way. The place is a dump!


But their hamburgers are SO good.

Wha… Yeah, they really are tasty!


Do you like moving? I do NOT like moving, but EVERY year I end up moving. No joke. Since 2008, I have lived in 6 different places. And...my guess, I will move again at the end of this year or the beginning of next year. Money has been the biggest reason--working online only is NOT an easy place to make money!! But my next move will be because I need to escape the desert!! I need snow^^ My biggest fear of moving...hmm...finding a place that is a disaster. The plumbing doesn't work good, the heater/air conditioner doesn't work good. Loud neighbors. Too much traffic. CRIME... That is a major worry. If you find a place with TOO many bad things--what WORD can we use? I'll teach you today!


Stay safe and clean^^
Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 402_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:05am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to dump someone


You look down in the dumps.


Oh, man… I’m so sad.


What happened?

She dumped me. She dumped me for another man~


Have you ever had a girlfriend or a boyfriend that LEFT you? They broke up with you? Maybe it was your husband or your wife?!! Well...was it your fault? Did you do something wrong? Yes?? Good!


But if it really wasn't your fault...if it was that person's fault...GOOD! Good for you and good for them. If they did something bad in your relationship and they left you like "garbage", then they will have REAL garbage in their future^^ Revenge^^


You, however, just keep being a good person. And one day, when you see another "good person", be ready. Grab that person and make a happy life together^^


Together we learn ANOTHER usage of "dump". Enjoy^^



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 401_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:16am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: … per se


Should I throw this away?


Don’t touch that T-shirt.


Why not? It’s not worth anything! It’s a rag!

It may not be valuable per se, but it means a lot to me.


Oh boy...today we will learn how to use a difficult, but surprising common, Latin expression. It is "per se". The way I explain this expression is...I think, pretty good! I will give you FOUR examples and then I give you an easy way to find more example online! With a little practice, you should become comfortable with the expression!! 


Have a SUPER weekend^^


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 400_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:43am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: dumpster


Mom, where are my comics?


I put them away~




In the dumpster!

What? No~~


I used to have a friend that lived in a VERY rich part of town. All the houses were huge, they had swimming pools, they had people who worked there and cars with drivers...it was a different world from what I knew~ I remember one time as we were going to his house I saw on the street a FULL SET OF FURNITURE for a living room! A sofa, chairs, tables, lamps, rugs...I asked my friend why it was outside--were they selling it? My friend told me that it was trash. I couldn't believe it! The furniture was in PERFECT condition! I told my friend to stop so I could check it out...he hit me. He said--Dumpster diving in my neighborhood? NO WAY!! Find out about "dumpsters" today!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 399_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:25am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to dig deep


So, how was DDM100?


It was great! We dug deep into sandwiches.



Yeah! Coach Shane and his mom showed us how to make four different kinds of typical, American sandwiches!


Do you ever listen to the radio? When I was young, I was ADDICTED! Every night. I'd listen to anything--rock music, country music, new wave music, talk radio, sports--anything. My radio put me to sleep at night, woke me up in the morning, played along as I studied--it was my constant companion. Then, in my 20s and 30s, when I lived in Korea, I didn't listen to the radio anymore...but, strangely, I was a radio DJ!!! However, for the past few years I have started to listen again--especially to podcasts which is like talk radio! I LOVE IT! Why? Because I can choose the programs I want to listen to and the DJs always DIG DEEP--"to dig deep" is our expression today!




Coach Shane


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Direct download: 398_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:41am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: keep your nose clean


Where’s the seminar?


In Las Vegas!


That’s the City of Sin!



Keep your nose clean~


When I was a kid...I got into trouble a lot. Nothing serious. But always in trouble. My teachers yelled at me, my mom, my principle... I never had a problem with the police, though!! I was smart enough to stay out of BIG trouble. But now I'm a little older...and I don't have the URGE to cause chaos anymore!!! I'm very happy with a nice, quiet and calm environment. No noise, no fast movement (unless I'm on my bike), no unexpected plans, no emergencies...NO PROBLEM!! How would you describe how I live now? 

What? Did you say BORING?!!!! Well, maybe^^ But there's another way to describe it and THAT is what you'll learn in today's podcast! Learning English is fun, isn't it?!!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 397_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:27am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: better safe than sorry


Oh, the weather looks great!


Yeah, it does. Got your umbrella?


What for? It’s sunny!

Better safe than sorry~


Do you have extra batteries in your home? Extra light bulbs? If you are a smoker, do you have extra lighters? Extra cigarettes somewhere? If you like sweets, do you have some extra cookies or chocolate bars hidden somewhere? If you do, then you are like me! I ALWAYS want to be ready in case of an emergency. Right now, in my desk drawer, I have two chocolate bars. Actually, I don't really like that brand...but I know, if my good chocolate were to disappear (into my stomach) then I would have an EMERGENCY SUPPLY ready to keep me alive until I go to the store!! Yeah...that's my life. Really. And today I will teach you the expression YOU need to know if you are like me!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 396_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:22am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: down in the dumps


Shane’s really down in the dumps.




He got yelled at by his mom.


What for?

He forgot to help her clean on Saturday.


Happy JUNE and happy Monday, everyone!! Actually, Monday is kind of a "day off" for me, so I like it! But June...oh...it will soon be summer. And summer is NOT my favorite month~~ I love WINTER!!! But, I will survive. Okay, let's get to today's podcast...


Can you think of a TERRIBLE place to be? What about...in the dump? Remember, yesterday we studied what "the dump" was. Going to the dump for a few minutes is okay, but can you imagine STAYING there? And in some countries, people live there or right next to the dump. Oh, it's SO sad, isn't it? It's very depressing. We are SO lucky that we are not "in the dump". 

Well, emotionally, we can still be "in the dump". But we say it like this, "I feel down in the dumps". Yes, with an S on dump. But it refers to "the dump" and it means "super sad" or "super depressed". 


I hope YOU have a very HAPPY week, but if you are down in the dumps, I'll be waiting for you when you come out^^



Coach Shane


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Direct download: 395_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:33am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: head over heels


What do you think?


Oh, I’m head over heels!

You like it?

It’s the perfect car! I’ll take it!


Hello!! How are you today?


Are you in love? I mean REALLY in love? If not, when was the last time? With whom were/are you in love? Or...with what?


Me? I'm in love RIGHT now. TOTALLY in love. There's a truck made by Ford called the F-150 Raptor. Oh...I LOVE that truck so much. It's my dream to own it. I hope, one day, I will make that dream come true. When I see that truck...it's like I'm on drugs or I'm drunk or ... I don't know. It's as if my head is spinning up and down and all around!!! Aha! We have an expression to describe that feeling of when you are COMPLETELY IN LOVE!! And I will teach it to you in today's podcast! 


Have a super Sunday! My day off!! YAY^^



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 394_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 2:26am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: the dump


Where you going?


The dump.


You got room for some magazines?

No! You need to recycle those!


Do you recycle? When I lived in Korea, I was really good at recycling. The country had a good system. Plastic, glass, paper, plastic bags, light bulbs and even batteries. People even recycled their food waste. The actual amount of "garbage" was pretty small. Very good. But now I am in America...and the recycling system is really bad! Fortunately where I live, we do recycle a little--plastic, paper and glass. That's better than nothing! But the amount of "garbage" is much more than what I used to have. And all of that garbage goes...where? Into the earth! But, where IS that place--what's it called? That's what we'll learn today! Check out today's podcast and have a CLEAN day!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

Direct download: 393_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to rub someone’s nose in it


I heard Eric broke up with you.




I heard he has a new girlfriend.




I heard she’s really rich.

Quit rubbing my nose in it!


How do you teach a dog NOT to go to the bathroom INSIDE a house? Well, it's not easy, but one method is...SHOW the dog it's mistake. If it pees or poos in the house, take the dog--grab its head--and FORCE the dog to see and smell its mistake. It doesn't sound nice, but it is effective. Of course, there are other methods, too, but that is a very common method in the US. We can use the SAME method to teach people! No...NOT teach them about going to the bathroom!! Teaching them about other things--especially about stupid mistakes! And there is ONE expression that refers to this "teaching method". What is it? You'll have to listen to the podcast!




Coach Shane


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Direct download: 392_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: ~ never delivers


Are you going to vote?


What for? Politicians never deliver.


They never keep their promises, do they?

They’re almost all the same.


Happy Thursday, everyone. Today's expression is SERIOUS. Here's a true story to get you thinking before you listen...


Many years ago I was the manager of a language school. One of my teachers was a really nice guy. He was smart, had good charisma, could explain grammar well...BUT he was ALWAYS breaking his promises. He was ALWAYS late. He almost always came to work with the smell of alcohol. And he was NOT a good dresser. Finally, I had a meeting with him and told him that if he didn't start fulfilling his promises of coming in to work on time, cutting back on drinking and taking a shower and washing his clothes--he would be out the door (he would be fired). Well, he kept his promise...for two days. I fired him. He was no good. He could not DELIVER. 


If you promise, please deliver!


Coach Shane


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Direct download: 391_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:20am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to call dibs


Hey, do you guys wanna go to the lake?




Dibs on the front seat!


Aw~ You always get the front seat.

You need to call dibs!


Hi everyone!!


Do you know what jelly beans are? If not, GOOGLE jelly beans right now! They're a small (like a bean) chewy candy. You chew them and they taste great. When I was young, there were only a few flavors. There was orange, cherry, lime, lemon, vanilla and black licorice. My ABSOLUTE favorite was...ORANGE!! Unfortunately, almost everyone else loved orange, too. So, when someone was about to open a bag of jelly beans, I was always the FIRST person to "say something" so that ONLY I could eat the orange jelly beans!! It's true. What were those magic words? I will teach you today^^ Oh, and I still use this expression when I think someone wants the same thing I want!! It still works like magic!


Have a fantastic day,


Coach Shane


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Direct download: 390_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:29am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to solidify something …


Congratulations on your podcast, Shane.


Thanks. It really solidifies me as an English coach for the world.


A lot of people download your podcast?

Over 12,000 people for each episode!


If we have ice and we heat it, we get water, right? We have "liquefied" ice. If we have water and we freeze it, we get ice, right? We have "solidified" water. But, did you know that outside of science, "solidify" has another meaning? It certainly does and I work to SOLIDIFY myself every day! No, I don't want HUGE muscles...but that would be cool~ I want to be THE ENGLISH COACH for the ENTIRE WORLD...so I work hard. Listen to today's podcast and I will tell you what I am doing AND how to use "solidify"! 


Have a SUPER week!


Coach Shane


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Direct download: 389_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 1:33am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to pick someone's brain


Can I pick your brain?


Sure. What about?


American pronunciation.

That’s my specialty!


Happy Memorial Day!!! It's a day for picnics and...well, I'll tell you in the podcast!!

So, tomorrow I am going to be cooking "corn on the cob". Do you know what that is? It's corn...but directly from the plant. I have never cooked corn like that before so I don't want to make any mistakes. I know that I will have to peel off the green leaves, then I will have to remove all of the corn silk (google "corn silk" and you can see what I mean). But for how long do I cook it...in just plain water? Hmm... I know that my mom has a very secret and ancient family recipe...I'm going to ask her for her expert advice! I hope she tells me!  When YOU want someone's EXPERT ADVICE/OPINION/KNOWLEDGE, what English expression can you use? You'll find out in today's podcast!



Happy Memorial Day Monday!

Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:16am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to have no say


I’m going to major in Philosophy.


What? Did you ask your parents?


They have no say.


Aren’t they paying for your education?



Do you make ALL of your decisions? Do you allow anyone to help you? If you DO allow someone to help you, who? And for what decisions? Me? Well, right now I am seriously thinking about moving. Because I work online, I can move anywhere...BUT, the internet connection MUST be very good. I upload SO many large files, it has to be REALLY good. So, the internet speed in the community will INFLUENCE my decision. Oh...I hope I can find a nice place with cold weather and excellent internet speeds!  Today I will teach you an expression YOU can use IF you allow someone or something to help you make your decisions!


Have a super Sunday,


Coach Shane^^


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Category:Education -- posted at: 2:45am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: No less so than…  


I’m trying to sleep less these days.


Why? Sleep is important. No less so than food and water.


But I wanna start exercising.

Great, but don’t reduce your sleep.


Mom, who do you love more? Me or my sister?

Shane!! Of course I love you more^^


NOT!! That would NEVER happen! Right? Of course, my mother (and probably your mother) would say something like...I love you both the same!! Mothers are SO political!! Just be honest, mom!!


Today's I'll teach you a great expression which means "the same as". The expression might sound a little complicated, but if you can master it, you'll sound very intelligent!! Your mother will love you more!!


Have a great Saturday,


Coach Shane



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Category:Education -- posted at: 6:04am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to haul ass

Isn’t your meeting at 3?

Oh, no. I’m gonna be late.

You’d better haul ass.

Yep. See ya~


Do you know the verb "to haul"? It means to carry--especially to carry something in a big truck. Hauling lumber, hauling computers, hauling corn, hauling medical supplies... But, you can also "haul ass"!!! "ass" is a word that means "butt"...REMEMBER, the word "ass" is NOT a good word to use in public. Only use it with your friends and don't SHOUT the word or other people might think you are rude! But once again, in today's expression, it is REALLY useful! Today I will teach you HOW to "haul ass". It's VERY important!


Have a SUPER Friday~ TGIF!!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:40am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to get a lot out ofsomething

Did you read this?

Obama’s book? Yeah.

Did you get a lot out of it?       

No! But it was perfect for falling asleep.


I hope you are enjoying my podcasts and videos. I really enjoy making them for you. YOU are INVESTING your time in watching and listening to me, SO I do my best to GIVE you VALUE. And that is what today's expression is all about..."to get a lot out of"...I hope you get a lot out of my lessons!! Now, the expression is really useful, but I also want you to pay attention to the pronunciation--it can be very tricky!


Have a super day^^


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:57am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to fool around


I like fooling around in the kitchen?


With your girlfriend?


NO! When I cook. I like to create different things.

So, you’re a creative cook, huh?


A lot of you ask me "What do you do on your day off?" Well, to be honest, I don't really have a day off...but I do my best to NOT check email on Sundays and Mondays...so I guess that those two days are my "days off"! What do I do? I "fool around"!! I like to experiment in the kitchen. I like to go fishing and hiking. I never catch fish...very rarely, but I still love to go fishing! I like to ride my bike, too. Of course, I check out the "big" news stories of the week, too. That's about it! Nothing serious! Check out today's podcast which is ALL ABOUT fooling around!



Coach Shane



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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:13am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: I can live with some…


My neighbors are so loud.


That’s life in an apartment.


Hey, I can live with some noise, but not all night.


Why don’t you complain?

No…I’ll just move out!


When I go to a cheap restaurant, I know the food might not be perfect. I know that the restaurant might not be perfectly clean. I know that the waiter might not be very polite. I can "tolerate" that. I can LIVE WITH SOME "not-so-tasty" pie, I can live with some dirty spoons, I can live with some "busy waiters". BUT...burnt apple pie? NO WAY! Cockroaches in my soup? NO WAY!! Not saying THANK YOU when I leave a tip? NO WAY!! Today we have a VERY useful expression to learn! 

Have a super week,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:40am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: ~ is top shelf


Daily Easy English podcast is top shelf.


How so?


Oh! Every day! Coach Shane makes a podcast every day! Free English every day!

Really? I should start listening, too!


When I buy things, I really try and save money. I try to be frugal. But something...you should spend more money on. Especially suits! Yes! So, when I buy suits--I buy THE BEST!! I buy TOP SHELF!! How many suits do I have? ZERO!! Those suits are too expensive for me! Do you have anything that is TOP SHELF?


Have a GREAT week!


Coach Shane



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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:57am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: RIP Rest In Peace


Did you hear the news?




B.B. King died.

Aw, what a shame. He was such a great entertainer. May he rest in peace~


One thing in life is ABSOLUTELY certain...we will all die. It's a very sad thing, but it's reality. I hope that when I die, it will be in my sleep. It will be peaceful. I hope I will have no regrets. I hope I will have said "I love you" to all the people in my life...I hope that I am able to "rest in peace". I'm sure you have the same hopes, right? In America, when someone dies, we often say, "Rest in peace." And we often write, "RIP". A few days ago, America lost a very wonderful man...I'll tell you about him in today's podcast!! 


Be happy!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:10am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: You reap what you sow.


I’m sick.


Your stomach?


Yeah. I think I ate too much cake.

You ate the entire cake! You reap what you sow.


When I was a kid, I LOVED to play outside! I was always in the sun--spring, summer, winter and fall! But I was stupid...I rarely used sun block--I didn't use any lotions to protect my skin from the sun. And now...years later...I have problems! As many of you know, I recently had two surgeries for skin cancer! Well, the surgeries were successful, but I'll probably need more in the future~ OH...if ONLY I had been more careful when I was young...it is important to think about what we do. What we do NOW, can affect us later. And that's what today's expression is all about...it's a GREAT one!


Have a super weekend,


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:17am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: I can’t shake SOMETHING


Are you still not feeling well?


I can’t shake this cold.


How long have you had it?

Over a week now.


Did you ever have a feeling that something bad was going to happen? Maybe before a trip or before a vacation. Maybe before watching a movie. Maybe before visiting a friend. I have. Fortunately, nothing usually happens--nothing bad!!! Thank god!! But I still get that feeling and I can NOT lose that feeling. Today, we will learn a great expression to use in that case!! 


Stay happy!


Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: I’m off out TIME


I’m off out next week camping.


You’re what?


I have the week off and will leave to go camping.

Oh! Where’d you learn English?


Do you have a day off coming? I will have NO work on Sunday!! Finally! I will be OFF! And I will not stay at home. I will leave my house and go fishing! I doubt that I will catch anything, but I really enjoy being out in nature^^ What about you? Today we'll learn an expression that I have heard several times from my British friends. Listen to the podcast until the end and I will give you the American equivalent! TGIF!!!



Coach Shane


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 6:34am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: just plain ADJECTIVE


So, do you like it?


You made this?


Yeah! Homemade yogurt is easy.

Wow. This is just plain excellent.


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 1:05am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: the tide has turned for/against


Do you think Hillary will be next?


President? No. The tide has turned against her.




Too much history. American’s want someone new.


The same for Jeb Bush?

The same. 


Do you know what the "tide" is? We have HIGH tide and LOW tide. The moon affects the oceans, right? Well, when the ocean water is "high", we call it high tide. When the ocean water is low, we call it low tide. But did you know that we also use the word TIDE to describe "the luck in our lives"? We do!! And I will teach you how to use this great word in YOUR LIFE today!! Have a super day!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:11am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: sit tight


I sent you my application. Now what should I do?


Just sit tight.


You’ll contact me?

Yes, we’ll contact you within two weeks.


When I lived in South Korea, the thing that gave me the MOST stress was dealing with the Immigration office. I had to go EVERY year to renew my working visa in the beginning. Oh, it was stressful. And they would never tell me if everything was okay...they always told me GO SIT DOWN. I WILL CALL YOU! I always thought they were angry with me. At that time, if they had used "Today's Expression", I would have felt much better! Today's expression is a very common expression to hear...and if you have POWER, you might be able to use it a lot, too!!


Have a SUPER week!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:20am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: A pales in comparison to B


This chicken is good.


Yeah, but it pales in comparison to my mom’s.


So, invite me to your mom’s!

If you’re nice to me, I will!


I must say, I make REALLY good apple pie...but my mom's is better.  My mom is not only a better cook, she's MUCH better. She's a professional, I'm an amateur!  And I am one of the BEST drivers in America...but my dad is better. My dad is not only a better driver, he's much better! He's a professional, I'm an amateur!


So, is there an expression that I could use that says that...a simple sentence. Of course, A is better than B is good, but there must be something better!! YES! Today I have an expression that is MUCH better. It's professional...not amateur! Enjoy the podcast!



Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:36am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: binge-listening


What are you laughing at?


The LME podcast! I’ve been binge-listening to it!


What’s your favorite part?

They’re all good, but Country Shane is the funniest!


Did you ever spend an ENTIRE DAY doing just one thing? Maybe playing a video game? Maybe studying? Maybe watch your favorite TV series. Maybe eating chocolate?!! Well, if you do "too much" of something, it's called "binging". Many people binge on cookies, or beer, or video games...doing that is probably not that good~ But, SOMETIMES binging can be beneficial. In today's podcast, I give you are GREAT example of when binging can be really good!


I hope you have a great weekend, if you have no plans, why not spend the weekend enjoying ALL of my videos and/or podcasts?!!


~Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:45am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a token American


That guy is really fat.


And look at him eating that hotdog!


He’s a token American.

We really need to change our diet~


When you think of America...what comes to mind? Apple pie? Baseball? Cars? Rock music? Rap music? Batman? Hamburgers? Hot dogs? What else?!! These are all "token images" or "token foods" you can find in America! But what is a "token American"? Sometimes that image might be good...sometimes it might be bad! What about in YOUR country? What is a token person in your country? What's a token food? To find out how to use "token" in this sense, please listen to today's podcast!

Have a SUPER Friday!! TGIF!


Coach Shane


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Category:Education -- posted at: 6:01am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a solid background in


Why do you think you’re good for the job?


I’ve got a solid background in programming.


What about people skills?

I was class president three different times.


If you want to be an expert at something, if you REALLY want to master something, you need to have a SOLID background. They say that it requires 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert. Have you invested that much time into something? It sounds like a lot of time, but as you grow older, you realize it's not that difficult AND you realize it is REALLY important! If you are NOT yet investing that time, start today! An hour a day will give you 10,000 hours in about 30 years. Don't be scared!! Be determined. Then you will ACQUIRE today's expression!


Have a super day!



Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish


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Category:Education -- posted at: 3:24am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a perfect mix of A and B


How would you describe Coach Shane’s DDM?


A perfect mix of education and entertainment.


So, his classes are fun?

Fun and beneficial. I’ve learned SO much!


I make the best chicken salads. It's a perfect mix of seasoned chicken and fresh vegetables. My health drink is also excellent! It's a perfect mix of tart cherry juice and organic sugar. Really!! Do you see the pattern I used? SOMETHING is a perfect mix of A and B. It's a very easy-to-understand pattern, but have you ever used it? Well, now is your chance. Think about something that you like which is a "perfect mix/combination of A and B"! I'm eagerly awaiting your examples! Share them on Facebook (ESLCoachShane), Twitter (@coachshane) and Google Plus (Let's Master English)!



See you!!



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Category:Education -- posted at: 6:07am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: puts a smile on my face  

What puts a smile on your face?

My students!        


Yeah! They learn so much and they use it! They’re great!


Let's see...fresh coffee. Flowers. Watching rabbits in the park. Watching my cats play. Biting into a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. Finishing house chores. Making my super energy drink. Finishing all of my work for the day. Reading your comments. Hearing my students say "I got it!" All of those things have ONE THING IN COMMON... They ALL put a smile on my face.^^ What puts a smile on your face? Not only diamond rings and funny comedians! What about the small things? Think about it and share! Have a SUPER week and I hope you smile a lot^^



Coach Shane



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Category:Education -- posted at: 1:00am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to water down


I like that Japanese scientist.


Michio Kaku? Why him?


He knows how to water down difficult subjects.

That’s true. He’s good at explaining things.


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Category:Education -- posted at: 2:30am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: freebies


I love shopping at Ralph’s Beauty Store.




They always give out great freebies.


Like what?

Lotions and cotton balls! Even nail polish!


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Category:Education -- posted at: 5:29am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to tide someone over


Hey, John, I know you’ve been having some tough times.


Yeah, it hasn’t been easy.


Well, take this. This should tide you over for the next month.

Rick!! Thank you SO much. This means so much to me.


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Direct download: 365_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 6:36am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to get through ~ 


I don’t know if I’m gonna get through the day.


Are you that stressed? Can I help?


Would you please pick up the kids from school?


You bet! And I’ll pick up some chicken for dinner.

Oh…thank you SO much.


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Category:Education -- posted at: 6:41am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: no pun intended


Oh no!


What happened?


I spilled maple syrup on my keyboard!!!


Ooh—now that’s a sticky situation. No pun intended~



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Category:Education -- posted at: 5:25am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a sticky situation


I think I saw Becky’s boyfriend with another woman.


Are you sure?


Yeah…he was kissing her.


Oh my god! Did you tell Becky, yet?

No! This is a very sticky situation. The woman was Becky’s roommate!


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Category:Education -- posted at: 6:19am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: nerd versus geek


John is such a nerd.


No, he’s more of a geek.


What’s the difference?

John is overly confident and extroverted!


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:49am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to be thick-skinned (tough-skinned)


My professor is SO mean to me. He always criticizes my writing.


You need to be more thick-skinned.


But he NEVER likes my work.

He’s making you a better writer. Don’t get emotional.


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Category:Education -- posted at: 4:27am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: Save my spot!


Are you okay?


Oh man...I’ve really gotta go to the bathroom. Could you save my spot?


Sure, no problem.

Oh, thanks. I’ll be back quick!


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Today's Daily Easy English Expression PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish

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Category:Education -- posted at: 5:21am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to cut in line


Uh, did you just cut in line?


Oh, there’s a line here?


Yeah! The end of the line is way back there.



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Direct download: 358_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 4:44am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: a retrospective


Are you going to Picasso’s retrospective?


Where is it?


At MoMA. I’m going on Friday.

Great. I’d love to go with you.


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Direct download: 357_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:32am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: First World problems


Look at this! My coffee’s only 4/5ths full!


First World problems…      


Well, it’s true! I paid for a full cup!

At least you have the luxury of buying gourmet coffee!


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Direct download: 356_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 6:39am EST

Today’s expression and dialog: to nip it in the bud


I think I’m gonna get that Caramel Macchiato. That was really good yesterday.


No, you better nip that in the bud?



You’ll get addicted! All that sugar~ Stay away or you’ll get fat.


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Direct download: 355_ecubed.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 5:18am EST